Tea room

1215 Themen, 25 Seiten:  1 2 3 25 ← Zurück zur Forenliste

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Introduce yourself and meet new friends (~LabelOngoing~)

spaceship 358 glad,

Views and opinions regarding current situation of the playroom English forum

Marina 36 Marina,

Monoply play tips and seeking healthy friendships

GracefulSwan 3 GracefulSwan,

Learn new language

Emrah20 1 glad,

Reason of nickname

SheWolf 68 The-lonely-Hamster,

people leaving win losing

blue.1891 4 Nikola,

Dance music, drum&bass, music venues and accessibility

Paddy_Irishman 4 Emrah20,

Hobby suggestions

GracefulSwan 11 Emrah20,

Blind people play piano and other musical instruments

nguyen_hoang_anh 31 Emrah20,


Arceus 53 oconor,

Accessible VPNs

supanut2000 10 Paddy_Irishman,

Thanks Aminiel

ikramy 27 amir_rahmani443,

vocalizer Expressive

nguyen_hoang_anh 13 nguyen_hoang_anh,

Problem messaging on android

GracefulSwan 1 HeadphoneJack,

Question about quick note taker addon in NVDA

spaceship 2 spaceship,

manamon 2

blue.1891 3 glad,

Free vps for TeamTalk servers

OrsoNero93 15 OrsoNero93,

game for the blind

nguyen_hoang_anh 23 MIG21,

need help update windows

MIG21 12 MIG21,

Express yourself.

Arceus 70 Maeve,

Roleplaying for the blind

GracefulSwan 11 Mohammedradwan2003,

asking eurofly 3

nguyen_hoang_anh 2 nguyen_hoang_anh,

i need help in the program "q translate" plees

davidhs1200 1 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Life as a blind person. Tips, tricks...

TheDreamer 80 Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

tell your joke

Arceus 23 godfather,

Fun IOS Games For The Blind (~LabelNew~)

Elinoria 9 IcyIcyEyeBank,

question about landing in eurofly3

ibraheemmohsen 3 nguyen_hoang_anh,

I need an easy programming language to build audio games

davidhs1200 23 Aminiel,

Share your self-made website (~LabelTrash~)

Trung 3 hongjun,

Unique and Inclusive Accessibility Features at Universities Across the World

dragonite 7 Kamalakannan,

Hello from sweden

stina1981 5 glad,

programming micro controllers

IcyIcyEyeBank 4 IcyIcyEyeBank,

Players birthday celebrations

Negar 229 spaceship,

Bot Styles

Isaac5457 3 glad,

Graphic Audio and their music?

Eithan 10 Eithan,

Does Hoang Sa Island belong to Vietnam or China?

nguyen_hoang_anh 2 Marina,

Let's share cool AI (~LabelOngoing~)

davidhs1200 18 glad,

Book recommendation

davidhs1200 5 davidhs1200,

game for the blind

MIG21 12 Nikola,

Need help eurofly 2.

MIG21 4 medhansh,

are there audio games like gta?

davidhs1200 3 nguyen_hoang_anh,

game for the blind on computer

nguyen_hoang_anh 33 Mohammedradwan2003,

Thinking about creating a steam account: can you convince me?

Anya_Kristen 3 Jonathan859,

streaming google drive links in playroom (~LabelAccepted~)

sky360 10 Fawaz,

how to streem radio for free

davidhs1200 0 davidhs1200,

unreal tournimant game

Alan1003 30 Marina,

acceseble apps or software.

glad 8 glad,

fun games with little or no equipment

sky360 20 medhansh,

My new podcast, in English language

Emrah20 0 Emrah20,

What's your favourite song? (~LabelNew~)

Quintin-Dziadkiewicz 56 Negar,

1215 Themen, 25 Seiten:  1 2 3 25 ← Zurück zur Forenliste

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