Here you will find all the Available Playroom shortcuts divided into different headings to make navigation easier.
Please note that shortcuts related to specific games are not listed here. You can find those either by pressing f1 to display the shortcuts of the specific game table you are currently at, or by pressing control+f1 to display the documentation page of the game.
Reading messages
- Move to and read previous history message - Page up
- Move to and read next history message - Page down
- Move to the beginning of the playroom history - Control+Page up or Shift+Page up
- Move to the end of the playroom history - Control+Page down or Shift+Page down
- Switch to previous view - Alt+Left arrow
- Switch to next view - Alt+Right arrow
- Switch to a specific view - Alt+1 through 0
- Copy current history message to clipboard - Control+space
- Open link found in current history message - Control+enter
General keystrokes
- Display a list of all users on the current language of the playroom - Control+U or Control+W
- Display all connected players across the entire playroom regardless of their languages - Control+Shift+W or Control+Shift+U
- Join a specific player or accept an invitation to a table - Control+J
- Decline an invitation - Control+D
- Quit the table - Q
- Display whose turn it is - T
- Display scores - S
- Quickly display the people at the table as well as the game master - W
- Bring up a list of people in the current table - Shift+W
- See the list of players banned from the table - Control+Shift+B
- Display the duration of the game in progress - Control+T
- Start or stop an audio stream - Control+P
- Announce the free table topic - T
Helpful shortcuts
- Open friends list - Control+F
- Quickly move to the chat edit box - Alt+C
- Quickly move to the playroom history - Alt+H
- Quickly move to the playroom menu - Alt+M
- Quickly open your inbox - Control+Shift+M
- Browse the forum directly from within the client - Control+Shift+F
Table master shortcuts
- Toggle the table between private and public - Control+H
- Set game options - Alt+O
- Add a bot - B
- Remove a bot - Shift+B
- Pause and resume the game between rounds - Shift+P
- Stop the current game and open the table to new players - X
- Save the current table - Control+S
- Immediately destroy the table without confirmation - Control+Shift+Q
- Change the table master - Control+Shift+X
- Invite a player to the table - Control+I
- Kick a player from the table - Control+K
- Ban a player from the table - Control+B
- Replace a player with another one - Control+R
- Change the topic of a free table - Control+T
Game options shortcuts
These shortcuts work when you are configuring the options of a game.
- Check or uncheck all checkboxes - Shift+A
- Invert the status of checkboxes - Shift+I
- Read the description of the focused option - Shift+D or Applications key
Function keys
- Shortcut key help - F1
- Open table management context menu - F2
- Toggle spectator mode on or off - F3
- Send a message to the moderators - F4
- Changing the sounds volume on the Windows client:
- Toggle between sound categories for changing the volume - F6
- Decrease sound volume in the chosen category - F7
- Increase sound volume in the chosen category - F8
- Changing the sounds volume on the Web client:
- Decrease the sounds volume - F7
- Increase the sounds volume - F8
- Decrease the notification sounds volume - Shift+F7
- Increase the notification sounds volume - Shift+F8
- Decrease the music/streams volume - CTRL+F7
- Increase the music/streams volume - CTRL+F8
- Open your functions and more menu - F9 from anywhere in the Playroom
- Open the options menu - F10 from anywhere in the Playroom
- Resynchronize your client with the server - F11
- View game rules and shortcut keys in your web browser - Control+F1
- Open the forum in your browser - Control+F2
- Display the FAQ page in your browser - Shift+F1
- Change language - Shift+F3
- Stop all playing sounds - Shift+F7
- Enable or disable automatic incoming message reading (Windows client only) - Shift+F8
- Open game context menu - Applications key, Shift+F10 or Control+F9
Inbox and forum
- Moving to the reply option directly - Control+R
- Starting a new discussion/forum topic - Control+N
- Displaying the participants list - Control+T
- Editing your message - Shift+E
- Upvoting the focused forum post - Shift+Y
- Downvoting the focused forum post - Shift+X
- Resetting your vote on the focused forum post - Shift+Z
User commands
Please note that the following shortcuts only work in this way when selecting a certain user from your friend list or from the control+u list:
- Block the selected user - Control+B
- Join the selected user - Control+J
- Invite the selected user - Control+I
- Send a private message to the selected user - Control+M
- Send a permanent message to the selected user - Control+Shift+M
Our special thanks goes to Jeff Rutkowski for his huge and exhaustive list of shortcuts which he created for his website. It was probably the only existing list of shortcuts which was always up to date, and thanks to Jeff's contribution, there was far less work for us to do.