Suggestions and comments

1405 Tópicos, 29 Páginas:  1 2 3 29 ← Voltar aos fóruns

Título Autor nº. respostas Última mensagem

Translation errors and typos

Nikola 148 glad,

categories of games (Resolvido)

SkylarJayde13 10 StormProductions,

Adding new games

baraa 11 Emerald,

sound packs (Cancelado)

riffy36_wii 6 riffy36_wii,

Please change the sound of losing a round.

davidhs1200 7 godfather,

Suggestions for the Duke racing game.

facelessghost 1 Emerald,

Alternative to drag and drop on mobile devices

Nikola 2 Nikola,

Golf: gesture for current tablo scores

horse 1 Crash,

Custom Boards in Ducks Race

Rock_Storm 3 Aminiel,

Option to disable the 15 second pause between rounds

LoboBranco 11 LoboBranco,

Duck racing board suggestion: ducks at the school

horse 8 horse,

Solitaire games

Emrah20 8 JuneRose,

potential games for team support

horse 4 JuneRose,

Suggestion for indian monopoly board

SIFRA 13 godfather,

fives and threes: change default behavior of forbidding drawing (Recusado)

horse 1 Nikola,

Uno: option to limit drawing to one card (Aceito)

horse 1 Aminiel,


Mortem 10 Mortem,

Converting belote to Tysiacha-like method

Sylphrena 4 HeadphoneJack,

Playing up to 18 quarters in Citadels (Aceito)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Time limit option in dominoes (Aceito)

CREADOR 7 Aminiel,

Regarding names.

john_smith 2 john_smith,

sound skins for playroom?

Gnome 13 Nikola,

wanting to help (em processamento)

SkylarJayde13 2 SkylarJayde13,

Frequently asked questions.

CathyAnne 1 Nikola,

new uno variation

Firinfa 1 glad,

game suggestion: spoons

horse 3 glad,

Backgammon board checker colour

CHeeky_Brat 2 YNWA,

The FAQ page.

CathyAnne 2 GeorgeWu,

Suggesting the pig game.

CathyAnne 8 GeorgeWu,

New game suggesting: Old maid

Qais 1 CathyAnne,

monopoly board.

CathyAnne 5 CathyAnne,

Monopoly player suggestion: An optional rule to not collect rent from properties while in jail (Aceito)

Nikola 6 Nikola,

Option for main room chat

Elinoria 8 Nikola,

who is that again?

Gnome 76 theSocialIntrovert,

Remove invitations for offline players

vyle6357 4 spaceship,

Introducing and adding a new game

Alirezas 4 glad,

The little exam suggestions

Qais 4 Nikola,

tiny option suggestions about shorttening play rounds (Recusado)

horse 3 horse,

Game suggestion: Schnapsen

Nasreddin 2 Nikola,

Belote and similar games on Mobile

dparker 2 dparker,

Customize the reconnect notification in the main room:

kaiba 8 Nikola,

New Monopoly boards submission (finalizado)

Emrah20 22 Nikola,

Game suggestion: Hand

Sajad-Aliraqi 4 glad,

Create QC cross platform web client

FMGold 1 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Chat translation feature

Elinoria 20 Northstrider,

duck racing: shift + r only display selected challenges

horse 1 horse,

option in little exam to disable manual point allocation (Recusado)

horse 4 Aminiel,

New game, mangala (em processamento)

colonel 4 Aminiel,

Adding same options to Duck racing as to most of games (em processamento)

Emrah20 5 horse,

Sound for playable cards in Uno

slannon 9 horse,

1405 Tópicos, 29 Páginas:  1 2 3 29 ← Voltar aos fóruns

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