I need an easy programming language to build audio games

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1. davidhs1200,

Hello, I want to build new audio games. But I have no prior knowledge of programming except for a few lines of code in Python (a few) and HTML. Is there an easy and uncomplicated language to build from audio games/other software?

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2. SpringFlower,

Hi. you can try auto it, i think it's the easiest stuff you can get. I have a lot of manuals about each function but they're in spanish.
Other choise is bgt but first, it's no longer used, and second, getting it is very hard.

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3. davidhs1200,

send me data about auto it, pleas. i downloaded bgt but this is very lot to read

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4. skotos07,

Where were you able to get bgt in the first place? From my understanding it's becoming very old at this point and except crazy-party of pragma there isn't much games coded with it now.

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5. Rory101,

Use python.

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6. abhishek,

Don't tuch bgt its very old, and unsecure.
if you wanna make audio game, there are lot's of programming languages available, like python, c sharp, c plus plus.
I wanna tell you, every programming language is easy, if you gain concepts.
so instead of looking programming language just for making games, i will advice, learn concepts of programming, then you will self get which language to use.
in every language most of concepts are same.
you can do a research regarding learning programming.
ask chatgpt, read articles on google, and take decision.
Happy learning, good luck!

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7. davidhs1200,

i need something simpel

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8. abhishek,

simple language is python, but note, I am calling it simple, because it is similar to English.
more than 50% of concepts are same in every programming language.
what I want to say is, if you grab concept, then you can understand any language.
these bgt and all stuff are tools, not programming language.
I don't know about others, but bgt has abandoned.
If you wanna go for professional game, then learn propper programing.

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9. FMGold,

learn assembly language rofl. then everything and every language will become very easy.

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10. davidhs1200,

how to learn bgt?

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11. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I do not know why someone suggested AutoIt3. It is In no way an engine to code audio games. It is just a window automation with some editions to that. You can make programs that do very amazing things, but that's all about it. It is not for gaming at all

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12. godfather,

I mean yeah but people have made games with it before. See: old Talon games (aka dragonapps). Whether it's a good or suitable language for the task is another discussion all together, but entirely possible.

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13. abhishek,

don't learn it, its a garbage now.
if you wanna still learn, then there is file called help.chm in its installed directory.
but tbh, that's wourst tutorial i have seen so far.
instead of that, it'll be always good to learn, propper programming language.

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14. Disquete,

Agree with SpringFlower, I love AutoIt! Although it's not the best language for coding audiogames. If you want something more professional, learn Python or JavaScript.

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15. nguyen_hoang_anh,

hey? can you do online game wif bgt?

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16. JMouse,

Learn Python. If you're not willing to learn how to code, then perhaps this ain't the road you wanna go down. Sorry, but it's the truth. If you're saying that python is too hard for you, then you're either A, to lazy to learn or B. Not willing to learn how to code. Autoit is shit to create any gaming experience in. Sure it can be done but you ain't gunna get far. BGT? Forget it! You're way better off going with Python to start with.

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17. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Guys, I have a good project for a game in mind, and I stopped for a long time trying to search for the language I prefer.
It is basically going to be offline for now, and I am not planning to use BGT as it is going to be flagged as virus as usual.
I am now doing somewhat good in Python, but it has issues. Python compiles files with the executable too much. Not to mention that WX compiles all of its files into your project directory for a standalone installer. So it makes the app very big.
While it might not be a big problem, but I've heard enough about badness of Pygame and how much computer resources it consumes, I hope I am wrong about this.
NGT is not yet complete and it cannot serialize dictionaries, so I have to do saving function in a different approach.
Have you ever made a game using unity or bolt?
Also, Worldsmith Studio, is it good for offline games or limited? For now I just don't know how to remove a menu item and add to my liking, plus I am not sure if it is possible to assign functions to a hot key. Such as I for accessing your inventory. I've heard it's compatible with Steem so I can get a good audio design out of it.

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18. Rory101,

No ngt. Please no. Learn something mainstream. Just trust me. If I could go back and replace the time I wasted learning bgt first, I would probably be two years ahead of where I currently am. I'm really not sure where you're coming from re. pygame and resources usage, who told you this?
Edit: just a couple things I thought I should mention about it, if you are thinking of going with ngt as a new coder.

  1. The main reason I say no NGT is because it's locked down. If you want something, you will have to make it yourself; with mainstream languages, chances are that a solution to your problem was already developed a long time ago.
  2. If you do want to work on the engine, you will have to use c++. C++ is notoriously difficult, and this is made tenfold if you are a new coder. The language will have no mercy for you.

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Последнее изменение Rory101, 14.03.2024 08:31:19

19. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Have you had any experience with Worldsmith Studio and what can it do?
I suppose by mainstream you're suggesting me to go on with Python.

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20. abhishek,

if you can give full dedication, then better to go with c and c plus plus

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21. Rory101,

Yeah, I'd recommend python for beginners

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22. nguyen_hoang_anh,

hi, you can use nvgt

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23. Northstrider,

No easy without hard, no hard without easy. Pick any mainstream one you want, and throw all of you in.

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24. Aminiel,


If you are really impatient, try NVGT. It's the successor of BGT.

You may still read the original BGT tutorial, as it is supposed to stay mostly true with NVGT, and it anyway brings you some programming basics that you will find in many programming languages (variables, control flow, functions/methods, objects/classes, etc.).
But don't use BGT anymore ! It's totally outdated, your program is considered to be a virus, and more importantly, no one knows if it will still work for long. Tomorrow it might stop working for good after any windows update.

However, if you are really interested in going a lot further in the world of programming, don't go or stay inside something which only allow you to make audio games and small things for the blind.
Python can be a very good choice because you can make a lot of various things with it. In several years, it might even allow to resurrect arcade games... never know...

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Последнее изменение Aminiel, 07.08.2024 19:33:52

25. skotos07,

I didn't know bgt had a successor, I think bgt is no longer working since win10 as each time I tried to execute it the .exe won't launch.

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26. nguyen_hoang_anh,

you can use your langwich wifh nvgt. not english like bgt.

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27. medhansh,

you can try Gemini and from gemini the code or can design game on skretch. many websites can help you in this and you can also make python games.

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28. empty_sky,

lol what? you will code a full application using AI? no.

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29. davidhs1200,

how to be in skretch haz blind?

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30. Disquete,

You cannot make the entire code using AI. There will always be stuff that you need to correct or debug.

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