The First 2021 Domino Tournament announcement, Draw, and conclusion

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1. The-white-dove,

Greetings everyone!

After getting quite many requests from people who like to play Domino, to organize a tournament, I decided to give it a try, so here it is!

The tournament will be held on Saturday, January 16, at 15:00 British time. Those who are not sure what time that would be in their countries, please click on the link below and it will display the exact date and time the tournament will start at, according to your current location.


I aim to get 16 players which will compete against each other at 4 tables, but if there will be more than 16 people wanting to take part, the tournament format will be changed respectively. I can assure you that everybody who will subscribe and turn up before the tournament starts, will have a chance to play.

The tournament will be played in 4 stages, and we will conclude all of them in the same day.

The first stage: There will be 4 tables of 4 players each. We will play the individual game with 28 pieces, with the score limit of 100 points to reach to be out of the game. Drawing on the boneyard will not be allowed, and the game will continue until the second player goes out of the game. The remaining 2 players from each table will be qualified for the next stage.

The second stage: There will be 2 tables of 4 players each, and the score limit to reach to be out of the game will be 125 points. The 2 remaining players from each table will advance to the next stage.

The third stage, or the semifinal: The 4 semifinalists will play against each other at 2 tables, in a 1 v 1 game. The score limit remaining 125 points, and the drawing in the boneyard will be allowed.

The final: The score limit for this game will be raised up to 150 points and the drawing in the boneyard will be allowed. The 2 lucky finalists will compete with each other to get the first place in this tournament and to be the Domino champion!

General Rules

1. If any player is unable to make the tournament for any reason could you please notify me so I can give your place to another player on the standby list.

2. Please limit talking during rounds and make sure when writing a PM to use the @ sign at the start of your message, as your message will go out to the table without it.

3. Anybody abusing the playroom rules or become disruptive during the tournament could be disqualified if they are still in the competition, or could be banned from the table.

4. The Host's ruling is final on all scenarios that are not covered in these rules.

If anybody has any further questions regarding the tournament then please don't hesitate to ask and I will do my best to assist you as best as I can.

This post will contain the list of currently registered players at the bottom, which will regularly be updated. The draw will be posted after the registration is closed.

I wish you the best of luck in the tournament and hope it is a really enjoyable one for you all!

With this occasion I would like to take the chance and wish everybody who reads this post a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year! I hope the new 2021 will be much better for you all. Stay blessed and happy!


Currently subscribed players:

  1. Palosaurio
  2. Unolover
  3. Visi
  4. Cristina
  5. Nicoleta
  6. Korent
  7. Midomidomido
  8. Alee
  9. Sonicboom
  10. pilot-in.the-air
  11. Policeman1
  12. Alesia
  13. Andkuk
  14. Ragnar
  15. Kempfious
  16. petar_001
  17. Omidsalehi
  18. Pistachio
  19. Real
  20. skelligs
  21. ksbalakrishnan
  22. Ashishchhetri
  23. Oguzcan
  24. laulau
  25. Reddy
  26. Shubham

Resultado: +0

Última edición por The-white-dove, 24.12.2020 22:43:35

2. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

I love this game. please count me in.

Resultado: +0

3. unolover,

put me in

Resultado: +0

4. sodanisavit01 ,

I am savit from India, please count me in.

Resultado: +0

5. El-Vis ,

Count me in

Resultado: +0

6. Cristina ,

Please count me in, thanks!

Resultado: +0

7. Fawaz,

Count me in too! thx.

Resultado: +0

8. medo,

Hhi, please count me in

Resultado: +0

9. sonicboom ,

Count me in

Resultado: +0

10. pilote,

Count me in!

Resultado: +0

11. policeman1,

Please count me in.

Resultado: +0

12. andkuk,

count me my country slovenia

Resultado: +0

13. darklover ,

count me in as well

Resultado: +0

14. the.wind,

hi count me please

Resultado: +0

15. omidsalehi ,

Please count me and my friend pistachio as well. Thanks.

Resultado: +0

16. real,

i want to join the tournament

Resultado: +0

17. vivefeliz,

I'd like to join in!

Resultado: +0

18. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

sorry, but why you did not count @unolover? I am not trying to be mean or anithing, but I thought he also wanted to play. it is right next to my mesage. I am still participantinig in the competition, cant wait!

Resultado: +0

19. The-white-dove,

@palosaurio hello, I have talked to her and she knows why she is not included on the list, but if she turns up for the tournament, she will be welcome to play. Thanks to all who subscribed for the tournament and wish you a very good luck. Keep on registering and let’s have fun all together!

Resultado: +0

Última edición por The-white-dove, 10.01.2021 10:06:34

20. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

oh ok, my bad. its all good, lets keep registering for the tournament!

Resultado: +0

21. sodanisavit01 ,

hello all.
I would like say that i won't be able to attend the dominos tornament as i have a class test on the 18th of january..
Thank you

Resultado: +0

22. ksbalakrishnan ,

i will all so play

Resultado: +0

23. ashishchhetri,

Count me in

Resultado: +0

24. Reddy,

hi! i too would like to participate, can you count me in please!

Resultado: +0

25. Chocolate-Icecream ,

hi i also want to join can you count me in please?

Resultado: +0

26. The-white-dove,

Hello everyone!

I would like to thank once again all who subscribed for the tournament. There are 26 registrations instead of 16 that I was aiming for at the beginning, so the tournament will hopefully be hosted with 20 players.

For the first stage we will have 4 tables of 5 players each. We will play with 2x double 6, 56 pieces, no drawing in the boneyard, and the score limit of 100 points to reach to be out of the game. The game will be stopped after the third player is out of the game, and only the remaining 2 players from each table will pass to the next stage.

From the second stage the tournament will go as planned originally and exposed in the first post of this topic.

I will be taking the first 20 registered players and the rest will be put on the standby list. Here I have a request to those on standby, to be there on time, because I expect absence, so you still have a big chance to take part.

Prior to the tournament by 30 minutes, there will be a public free table where I will be waiting for all subscribed players, and from there the table hosts will invite everyone to the table you will be playing at, therefore make sure that your privacy settings are configured so that everybody can invite you during the tournament.

The random draw for the first stage is as follows:

Table 1.

Table 2.

Table 3.

Table 4.

The standby list:

Wish you good luck and looking forward to seeing you all at the tournament,

Resultado: +0

Última edición por The-white-dove, 15.01.2021 19:51:05

27. el-soldadito-de-plomo ,

hi. I am sorry, but I came to playroom to let you all know that I am geting out of the tournament. I was not feeling well 3 days ago and ist geting worse, so I dont think tomorrow I will conect to get some rest. please put my place to 1 of the players in waiting list. thanks for understanding and again, really sorry about this.

Resultado: +0

28. Chocolate-Icecream ,

hi every one it is nearly 8:30 am here so it is time for me for a class and i nearly knows this today so i just came here to tell you that i can not p

Resultado: +0

29. justin,

count me in I would like to take part

Resultado: +0

30. The-white-dove,

Greetings everyone!

I would like to take time and thank everyone who subscribed and turned up for the tournament and those who stepped in as replacements in the last moment. I was hoping to host the tournament with 20 players, but there were many absentees unfortunately, so I had to go back to my original format with only 16 players. The tournament lasted for almost 4 hours, so thank you all for your patience and understanding, especially at the start.

Many thanks to the table hosts: Cristina, Kaduyaraax, Ragnar, Real, Reddy, for your help. You all have done a good job.

The tournament went smoothly enough after a bit of a difficult start, and an equal score between 2 players after the first stage, where I had to let them play 1 more round 1 v 1 in order to decide who qualifies for the next stage.

The semifinal was played at 2 tables by Cristina vs Nicoleta at the first table, and Ragnar vs Reddy at the second table. All of them played very well, but this time luck was more generous to Nicoleta and Reddy, who passed on to the final!

The final was a very good game, where Nicoleta did not leave the leading position from the beginning till the end. Reddy made a few attempts to catch up, winning some rounds and letting Nicoleta with many enough points in hand. He succeeded to make the score almost equal between them in the middle of the game, but Nicoleta started winning again, pushing Reddy farther and farther, until he reached the score limit of 150 points and went out of the game.

Congratulations to both finalists, you played truly well during the whole tournament, and of course many congratulations to Nicoleta, who is the winner of this tournament and The first Domino champion in 2021!

Hoping that you enjoyed at least a bit taking part in this tournament I wish you all the best, and looking forward to seeing you next time, if I ever decide to host a new tournament. :)


Resultado: +0

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