1. Isaac5457,
I would like to congratulate the developers on the new duck racing enhancements. This game has evolved a lot over the past 3 years.
Throughout my testing, it seems that a majority of challenges do not work on touchscreen devices. While it is probably for the best that time-based challenges remain keyboard only for the time being, other challenges can have touchscreen implementations. In the case of challenges such as Blackjackand Secret Code, the game can be completely blocked if a web client user on a touchscreen is at a table. To mitigate this problem while a solution is being debated and implemented, I propose adding a disclaimer to web client users who create duck racing tables. This disclaimer should warn users of possible disenfranchisement when playing with keyboard based challenges, as well as recommending users use a keyboard for the best experience. Further, this disclaimer should provide a list of challenges that work on touchscreen devices.
Finally, this disclaimer should be added to the rules page, so new players are made aware of possible disenfranchisement.
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