Suggestion, add Truco game.

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Resultado: +5

1. Borja ,

Good morning.
The "truco" game is played with the classic 40-card deck of Spanish cards (removing the eights, nines and jokers).
It is played by 2, 3 people or in pairs. At the beginning of each round, 3 cards are dealt to each player.
It has two phases, the "envido" and the "truco".
In each round, you may (or may not) call "envido" on the first turn. This awards points for having two cards of the same suit. In order to obtain the "envido" of each player, the value of each card must be added, and to that result, add 20. For example, 3 of spades and 4 of spades = 27. The so-called black cards (tens, elevens and twelves), are worth 0.
In the "trick" the value of all cards is changed.
The most valuable is the one of swords, followed by the one of vast, the seven of swords and the 7 of gold. Then all the threes, the twos and the other ones (cups and gold). Then the black cards, the other 2 sevens (basto and cups), sixes, fives and fours.
Here I leave the much more detailed rules, and I hope that this classic game will be added.
Thank you very much to all.

Resultado: +6

Última edición por Borja , 11.01.2024 03:46:17

2. valkorion,

if this was added it would be good

Resultado: +3

3. Markk,

This is a recurring suggestion in the Spanish playroom forum.
I don't know if this is the first time it's been suggested to add the Argentinian Truco game, but since the creation of this thread several new games have been added And this is a game in high demand in the Spanish room, one of the most active zones of the platform.
At least we would like to know what possibilities there are of implementing this in the short or medium term, to know if the answer is outright negative or if there is some possibility.
I understand that there would be users willing to help by clarifying details about the rules, as well as testing possible betas.
I share some links, where the rules are in English, more detailed and with the values of the game cards:
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards

Resultado: +5

4. r-althor,

Hi there. I'm a truco player for adleast 10 or 11 yeards. To be honest, it will be so amazing is this game can be added here. As the rules sayd, it can be played from 2 to 6 players, and its popular in other contrys too, like Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, and rest of south america.
Of course, im not a expert playing but i offer as a betatester, if this suggestion is aprobed. Im sure it will make happy lots of people around the world.
Best regards.

Resultado: +1

5. Shiara,

I love card games. I'm not from South America, so it's not easy for me to learn to play Truco, let alone practice it. If this game was added to playroom, it would be awesome!

Resultado: +0

Última edición por Shiara, 11.01.2024 03:05:54

6. facundo,

Like many others in the room, I learned to play the trick when I was very little.
It is par excellence the card game that is most played throughout my country.
I think it would add a lot to the game room, since there is no other platform for this game and it would be easier to implement than other more complex games that already work successfully.
Without further ado, I join this request with the expectation of being heard.

Resultado: +0

7. Angel_Oscar_Alfredo,

Hello! I'm not from South America either, but I fully support the suggested proposal.

Resultado: +0

8. Aminiel,


Thank you very much for your proposition.

I receive a lot of suggestions to add new games, and I have quite little free time to implement them.
So unfortunately, it's obvious that I won't have time to add them all.

Additionally, I'm trying to provide a variety of different games. I'm probably not going to add a game if it almost looks like an already existing one on the playroom.
I haven't read the rules of that specific game yet, so I can't tell if it has something original, or not really, compared to what is already present on the playroom. But keep also this in mind when suggesting a new game.

Keep also in mind that I won't add game solly based on luck, or where you just have to press enter without the need to take any real action changing the outcome, like roulette, or snakes and ladders for example.

Finally, making a survey asking whether or not you want to add this game won't increase the chances to have it added at the end.
First because nobody won't foundamentally be against it, and secondly, additionally to what I have already said above, remember that the playroom is developed only by me, that it's a purely volontire work, and so I don't have any obligation of any sort.
So please don't put pressure on me, it's even going to produce the inverse of what you wish, i.e. convincing me to not implement this game.

In fact, you have better changes to draw my interest by proposing a game with an original concept, not currently present. For example, Tysiac recently drew my attention because of its marriage concept, which looked interesting to me and which wasn't present as such in any other game.

I'm also trying, when possible, to provide games from everywhere through the world, and to balance that to avoid complains, too. In this regard, Trucco could well be well placed since there is currently no game from South America specifically. But as there is no game from Africa either. So there is quite room for covering the whole planet.

To wrap up, of course I'm not against adding new games. However, dont' except anything new soon, and maybe you will ahve a good surprise one day.
Scrabble players waited almost 10 years !

For Trucco specifically, it has already been proposed several times, so it's already on the list of possible additions.

Resultado: +3

Última edición por Aminiel, 11.01.2024 07:07:11

9. El-Dragon,

thanks to the developer for taking it into consideration! it is a game very traditional culturally here, i think people would find it quite interesting

Resultado: +0

10. Borja ,

Good afternoon. thank you very much for taking this into account. In addition to the fact that it is a very traditional game, I have not seen any similar one on or off this platform, and it is quite strategic.

Resultado: +0

11. Nikola,

@Aminiel without being offensive towards the topic, creating a poll is done just to have a cheap way to bring the topic to the top any time.
It's a little sad, but for legitimate polls, it is extremely useful to have the topic go to the top with each new vote. However, people now use it sometimes just to make sure that their suggestion is always on top.

Again, don't take this as anything offensive. You aren't the only ones to do that, but I would prefer not to have a poll here that is open until almost the end of next year.
In principle, everybody wants new games, and so most people will say yes. Those who say no will do it just to be funny, because if I truly don't care about this game, I will just do nothing and ignore it, but obviously any new game should at least be tried out. I don't see any strong reason to vote no.

With all that out of the way, best of luck and I hope you can see your favourite game on the Playroom!

Resultado: +1


Aminiel, The game of truco or truque is not only native to South America (particularly Argentina and Brazil), but also to European countries such as Spain and Italy.

Resultado: +0

13. glad,

the game sounds nice. wish we can have it one day. card games are fun.

Resultado: +0

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