New Monopoly boards submission (terminado)

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Resultado: +2

1. Emrah20,

Hello. People, I have a strange question to You. Where can I send new ideas about the Monopoly boards?
I've one idea to create Slovak Monopoly board for gameroom.
Thank You.

Resultado: +0

2. glad,

we can have like kichen sink creating our own monopoly board with the interface and each person can have his own monopoly board. we can also take their boards they have quite nice once.

Resultado: +1

3. Emrah20,

Yes, but I'd like to submit some ideas here to Gameroom's developers.

Resultado: +0

4. Savit01,

What is kitchen sink? and how we download it?

Resultado: +0

5. glad,

its a bunch of games and its available on blind help project. They are voiced by ms sappy for windows

Resultado: -1

6. Nikola,

no need to share a Website full of pirated content, especially when talking about games which are completely free and available to download.

For anybody curious, Jim Kitchen has developed a lot of free Windows and DOS games, which are offline. One of his games is a version of Monopoly, where you can make custom boards.
It isn't so related to this topic, it doesn't make a lot of sense to offer hundreds of different boards of potentially poor quality, while the board of this topic makes perfect sense.

Anyway, the best place to get more information and legally share his games is his page on the popular "Audio Games Archive".

Resultado: +2

7. glad,

Is bhp pirated? I didn't knew. many people use it for downloading games and software. I thought its original. like a survice providing software open source.

Resultado: +0

8. ubuntu,

bhp? entire site is pirated.
even it has almost many crack software, which you won't find in any other site for us.

Resultado: +0

9. Emrah20,

Well, let's return back to the discussion.
I don't know, if Aminiel will plan to add new Monopoly boards. Maybe no, so It isn't for nothing. It was just My idea to include It here.

Resultado: +0

10. Tteettkkaa,

Well, although I think we already had discussed this topic (with no or limited success), I do like the idea. It would be nice to have new Monopoly boards.
The only suggestion I'd have for the validators would be to, please, thoroughly check the spelling. 😅

Resultado: +1

11. glad,

I am retyping in this topic as I had got few new boards from kichen sink that might be useful one is the Russian , phylidelfia, Iceland, Canada, and there waere boards there related to hogvorts and lords of the rings which I realy want to sea hear. a lordof the rings or harry porter version if its ok

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12. Aminiel,


As I have already said several times, I'm open to new monopoly boards, but only those of real well known countries or cities over the world.
I'm not open for fictional ones, those about Lord of the ring, Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. for several reasons:

  • There are just too much of them, and adding one of them would mean that I will need to add many of them afterwards; this is a little loke opening the Pandora box.
  • For maximum immersion, chance / community chest cards have to be different depending on the board, and I don't want to go into this
  • Some rules / game mechanics may change depending on the board, too

One or two of those fictional boards might be included in a totally new game in the future, though. I have already got propositions for a remake of the game the Lord of the galaxy (look in for details) for example. Although similar and sharing the basic principles, this is no longer monopoly, these games are more complex, which much more mechanics. They are certainly also more interesting, as they give less place to randomness and more to strategy.

Instructions on how to submit a new traditional monopoly board is in the FAQ.

Resultado: +2

Última edición por Aminiel, 28.03.2024 06:30:08

13. YNWA,

I feel that country Monopoly boards are better than city ones and I would also include regional ones too as they are interesting to play even if you are not from that country/region. I have played the odd game on the Swiss one as I know some cities from Switzerland. Even some English cities there would be places I would not know about. A Scandinavian board would be interesting to play as would some boards from other regions.

Resultado: -1

14. Emrah20,

Ofcourse, I understand It and due to this, I've created Slovakia monopoly board.

Resultado: +0

15. medhansh,

the playroom can add a south Asian board which include India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Afghanistan

Resultado: -1

16. Emrah20,

I'd like to return back to this topic. I don't know why, but Slovak Monopoly board wasn't submitted. I don't know, if I have sent this Monopoly board to Gameroom's staff. If no, I'd like to try It again. Or, how to do that? I have used contact form.

Resultado: +0

17. Nikola,

we have received your board and at the moment, it has two issues. You should see a reply to your request on the contact page with further explanations. Once they are resolved, we can forward it to the developer.

Thanks for your work!

Resultado: +1

18. Emrah20,

Thank You again, especially to Nikola for get current direction on this, how to edit this board.

Resultado: +0

19. Nikola,

just to notify you that your board is now available in the game.

Thank you for your work!

Resultado: +1

20. davidhs1200,

how to do monopoly bored?

Resultado: -1

21. Emrah20,

Thank You.
I've submitted an other Monopoly board, so maybe It'll be on the next update. I'll do an other Monopoly boards on the future, ofcourse with real countries.
To create new Monopoly boards, press shift + f1 and found It on this page.
But please, use after abbreviations of some squares (those are mentioned there) names of this squares, because I haven't done that previously and My board didn't work.

Resultado: +0

22. StormProductions,

I have just read the FAQ however I would need a board example. I mean the way I should submit it. Is there any way I could please get an example of a submitted board? Considering I speak a bit of Russian, it would be helpful to see the Russian board's submission so I can follow it when making mine.

Resultado: +0

23. Nikola,

This is just a small notification that the English FAQ was updated, particularly regarding Monopoly board submissions.

If you read the FAQ after the 19th of July, you have already seen the latest updates and you don't need to re-read it.
For anybody who didn't, there are just two minor changes:

  • Removed the note not to use the Euro sign due to an encoding bug (confirmed as no longer valid for many years by Aminiel)
  • Properly indicated how the special square tags should be written (with a star before and after the tag). Example: *GJ* Go to jail

@StormProductions I'll contact you soon and give a board example if necessary, or any corrections to your board if needed. Note though that you don't need to speak the language to understand the board example, only the square names are written in the language of the board usually, the square tags remain universal.
However, as I am currently away on vacation, I can't do it before Friday evening or Saturday.

In the meantime, I hope you are having fun on the newly added boards, and thanks to their creators for their contributions!

Resultado: +1

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