Hello, I suggest to introduce a thinking time limit, separate from the reaction time, which is the longest time a player's turn can take. If tey don't play a card or otherwise act within the time limit they automatically draw a card.
Resultado: +0
2. Mohammedradwan2003,
Sure. Why not.
Resultado: +0
3. riffy36_wii,
If it will be like this i will never play exploding kittens anymore in my life. One of the good things of the playroom is that there is no time limit in games...
Resultado: +0
4. Nikola,
Hello, I've thought about this during the beta, but finally I didn't end up suggesting it, mainly because the time limit would have to stop in certain cases, for example when you have to give a card to your opponent as a result of a favor card, when manipulation/super manipulation is played and while you are rearranging the deck, and finally I also didn't like the fact the time limit could possibly expire in the middle of you making a combo wasting the entire selection away.
It's too bad, this isn't such a bad game for a time limit, but overall I don't think it would be as smooth as in some other games.
@riffy36_wii If you do not like this, you just don't configure a time limit. The Playroom offers a time limit option in many games already.