No character limit for the status (last if not accepted)

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Resultado: +3

1. riffy36_wii,

Hi everyone. I suggest to remove the character limit when you type your status message.

Resultado: +0

2. Fawaz,

Agreed, I've been wanting to post a chapter from my favorite book on my status for ever.

Resultado: +0

3. Emerald,

In that case we should really rename the status and call it a bio. Statuses are really just a line or two to go along your name. But with bio it’s like a mini profile; something that represents you.
Maybe if the dev aggrees, the formate could be changed so that we’d need to click on someone’s friend card or so to speak and that would allow you to put a bio. This is the only way i can see it implemented because I assumed that the status is due to interface??

Resultado: +0

4. majoz,

Agree with Emerald. I see it pointless adding a whole bunch of text after your username, better to put it into a separate function of PR, if it's so much desired and if Aminiel agrees. Have a nice day everyone!

Resultado: +1

5. Aminiel,


The status message is intended to stay short. It's possible to extend a little the limit, but no more than 10 or 20 characters.

However, we could well imagine a new profile section where you could put your birthdate, your gender, and why not, there, a bio as well.
This would require more work for helpers, who will have to check profiles regularely, though. We must ask them what they think about it.

Resultado: +0

6. gemmi,

yes, for about status, 100-120 characters would be enough I think.

Resultado: +0

7. sound2,

I agree with Majoz on this one. I assumed that the status system was almost like a tweet as in what's happening with you today, and any short thing you want to say. However a biography section, such as a mini profile could be nice. So lets see what the helpers will say, if they are interested or not.

Resultado: +0

8. NebulaDrift,

I think 200 chars for status. because sometimes people need to express more. :d

Resultado: +0

9. Hortense ,

Hello, hello! I agree with the suggestion.

Resultado: +0

10. Mohammedradwan2003,

Let's make it 240 like Old twitter.

Resultado: +0

11. Fawaz,

The old twitter was 140. You could tweet using SMS!

Resultado: +0

12. Mohammedradwan2003,

Wait, was it increased to 200 ish something before it became X?

Resultado: +0

13. Fawaz,

Ya 280

Resultado: +0

14. NebulaDrift,

ok last. 280 is enough.

Resultado: +0

15. gemmi,

nope 120-150 is enough I suppose.

Resultado: +0

16. Northstrider,

I go with 120.

Resultado: +0

17. Fawaz,

I'd personally go for 64

Resultado: +0

18. Nikola,

Rather than this negotiation about the characters limit, a lot more important for me is to be actually notified when you reach this limit.

Right now, if you overtype your status, it is just saved and cut off to 90 characters. We need either a sound notification when the character limit is reached, or don't even save it and display an error. Right now, it is pretty much impossible to know this happened unless you self-check your status via the online users list, and I've seen multiple people reach this point by accident, including myself.

Resultado: +3

19. Fawaz,

That is actually a very valid point. I remember back in the days I used to use the twitter client like The Cube to know the number of characters. Currently I use the NVDA addon but it'd be extremely useful for all if it alerts when you reach the limit.

Resultado: +0

20. kaiba,

I agree with increasing the status to what is equivalent to 120 or 150 letters. This will make me avoid connecting words to each other by writing the first letter of the following word Capital

Resultado: +0

Última edición por kaiba, 22.01.2025 18:15:26

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