Bots in Cards against humanity (resuelto)

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1. Emrah20,

Here is Marco. I've tried to play game Cards against humanity. I've discovered something strange. One player leaves the game and bot replaces him. It is strange, because this game is played without bots.
Please Aminiel, could You look on It?
Thank You.
Best regards
Marco from Slovakia

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2. Nikola,

this is normal behaviour. If you don't want the bot to stay in the game, kick it from the table, and a new one won't come.

The purpose of this option is so that the bot can stay in the game, if you know that your friend is planning to come back (for example a temporary connection issue), and then you can replace the bot with your friend, or if for example you know that you can find another player. If you would prefer to continue with a smaller number of players, kicking the bot will let you do that.

Resultado: +1

3. Emrah20,

We've tried It, but suddenly game crashed.

Resultado: +0

4. Nikola,

If you have a history to submit, that would be helpful, for knowing at which point exactly the bot was kicked and what happened. Of course, if you were only 3 people, one left, and then you kicked the bot, it's normal if the game completely stopped, since it is not possible to play with less than 3. If you were more than 3, you can ignore the last sentence.
That's in fact also another benefit to having the bot join, if one player just leaves, the game won't completely be destroyed anymore and you can try to find a replacement.

Resultado: +1

5. Emrah20,

Thank You. Also, I have forgotten, how to send You history report, or save It?

Resultado: +0

6. Nikola,

You can send a history report via the F9 menu, or functions and more if you are from a mobile phone. Make sure to choose game in this case, and also make sure that you send it as soon as it happens without restarting the Playroom, as it sends only your current history.

However, in this particular situation, I think it would be better to just copy paste the part of your history when the problem happens, because the game report won't contain anything about the leaving/kicked players, so it might be harder to understand.

Your history can be saved from the same functions menu.

Resultado: +0

7. Emrah20,

Thank You. I use Windows, so F9.

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