bug in connect four.

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1. moshedr,


  1. i am start the game.
  2. i am add a player with the letter b.
  3. i am start the game and select the level of difficulty.
  4. it's my turn and i am select the coordinate a1.
  5. now, it's the turn of the player and he select the coordinate c1.
  6. now, it's my turn and i am decide to select the coordinate b2, but the computer decide to select for me the coordinate b1.
  7. why it cause?

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2. Aminiel,

Don't forget that in the real life version of the game, the board stands vertically, you insert your token from the top and it falls down to the first row available at the bottom. You can only choose the column where you want to play, but not the row.

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3. moshedr,

thanks for your explanation.

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