hi all. i am working with jaws v12 and focus Braille display. when i enter to the play room, selecting the create a new table option, selecting one of the games, the braiile display is not refreshed, i need to press on the tab key, and shift tab key for refreshing the braille display. for example: in the monopoly game, i need to press on the tab key and the shift tab key after each turn, for refreshing the braille display. one more example: in the monopoly game, when i am press on the letter v, and afterward i am press on the escape key, the list of my properties still stay on the braille display. What should I do in order to solve this problem? best regards.
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2. Aminiel,
I have no braille display myself, so I can't really test if it works well with them, sorry.
Did you tried to maximize the window ? I know that it solves sometimes a few screen reader issues.
Do you know other people using different models of braille displays and if they have the same problem ?
Did you tried with NVDA or another version of jaws and do you have the same problem ?
Thank you very much for reporting that kind of issue, but since I don't have any braille display at my disposal, I don't know if will be able to do something against it, unfortunately.
In the meantime, unstead of tabbing all the time, you may find the shortcut insert+escape more convenient. That's all I can do at the moment, sorry again.
Resultado: +0
3. moshedr,
first of all, i am very appreciate for your answers to me.
yes, i tried to maximized the window, But unfortunately it did not solve the problem.
no, i did not know other people using different models of braille displays with the same problem.
yes, i am tried working with NVDA and with some versions of jaws, But still having the same problem.