Hello guys. Today's OneNOnlyConfusing's birthday, wishing you happy birthday and happy life. Would like to give you gift, but you're not close to my country in this time. Hope you'll spend happy time with your birthday, happy years. My gratitude, (Sajad aliraqi)
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2. wolfi,
oh thanks bro, thanks a lot
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3. trouble-h ,
happy birthday
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Última edición por trouble-h , 03.01.2016 21:22:04
4. wolfi,
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5. tayem1997 ,
happy birthday my best here
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6. afrim,
we have a wish here, which says, "Wish you 100 more!"
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7. dementress ,
Happy birthday, Ali!
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8. wolfi,
thanks to all.
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9. musiclover,
happy day
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10. MuhammadHajjar,
Happy birthday bro. Though it probably came too late do to my absences. Please wish me a good luck in my exams, my final one will be after tomorrow.
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11. gaurasuryavanshi,
happy biryhday!
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Última edición por gaurasuryavanshi, 04.01.2016 19:51:57
12. wolfi,
thanks to all again. And Hhajar good luck bro.
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13. MuhammadHajjar,
Thanks, and to the rest of anyone that has an exams lol.