Congrats to the scrabble winner

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Score: +1

1. Emerald,

Hi all,
We had a good few weeks of the scrabble tournament. Thanks to all who participated and I hope you all enjoyed it also.
We now have a winner: Nikola! Well done. It was a good final with big dog. Once again thanks for all of those who took part and I hope to be able to make more in the future.

Score: +1

2. GeorgeWu,


Score: +1

3. Negar,

Congratulations Nikola.

Score: +0

4. gemmi,

many many congratulations to you nikola

Score: +1

5. Duchess,

Yes congradulations to you Nicola. Always a challenge and fun to play with you.

Score: +0

6. Nikola,

Hello all,
thank you very much for your congratulations.

Thanks also to EmeraldPupMato_lemon for organizing a great tournament, it was quite fun, and I hope you will do it again.

Some quite interesting games, and I'm glad the tournament was a success. I got a great set of starting letters in the final game, and that certainly helped a lot, so we should definitely give it another go in the future.

Until next time,
keep placing those letters on the grid.

Score: +2

7. Emerald,

Thank you Nikola.
When i decided to start this tournament I had no idea it would be such a success. I am very proud of all of you for making this work as without any interest it would be nothing and certainly not even progressing to get a winner. Now that Nikola has set the record of being the scrabble champ, we can all try to improve and see who can take it or will it be Nikola again!
I had fun. I hope you all had fun too.
It must also be noted that the reason that people not playing scrabble can possibly be due to not knowing how to play. This was something I found out when people were declining to join but were keen on taking part. Anyways let us reflect, teach, promote and meet again for another great tournament.

Score: +1

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