enjoy with the new dice game

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31. Aminiel,

As I have already said, I'm not against other board games.

However, for cluedo for example,we have another problem: navigation in the board.

It isn't just a simple board where you have one, and one single path to follow. You have multiple paths and you must choose. But, you need a global view on the board in order to choose according to your strategy/objectives. Cluedo is still rectangular but many other board games aren't any longer, e.g. risk, what makes it one more step harder.

Cluedo has also other elements than just board and dice, for which Im not sure that we aren't going to loose too much compared to what we can have by playing it in the real life. For example, psychology or social interactions. There are other games where it is much less necessary, monopoly for example. Games where you are strongly encouraged to be on skype (or another voice chat) at the same time to really enjoy, such as the little exam, don't have that much success.

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Dernière édition par Aminiel, 25.07.2015 07:15

32. Exink,

Speaking about board games, why do not you add Parcheesy (also known as Parchís in spanish or Parqués in its colombian variation)? It's a very known game among the spanish people and although I haven't played it before I imagine it's great. I don't suggest to add all of them, just what you consider necesary to add. Here are the rules, and also the rules for the other variations: This is the main article.


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Dernière édition par Exink, 25.07.2015 16:30

33. LaraStardust,

I sought of get what you are saying about cludo, though couldnt you code it like chess? in a bases of it is a grid of 8 by 8, or 20 by 20, your character can move in any of those directions, and add in the dice to set a limit.. the player could move there own character like they do in chess, it would be like basically combining chess code with cludo code?
It would be a headache to code, but the outcome would be grate, me thinks

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34. wolfi,

how about life it's a game like monopoly but it's more official

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35. Giovani ,

Also, great idea. This is also a common game, I must agree.

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36. LaraStardust,

how do you actually play life? I've heard of it but never played

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37. wolfi,

I don't know either :ddd but it seems cool what I know is you have house and children and fimally but it's a board game

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38. Riad,

ah I understand. There's a life game by Jim Kitchen: it's a somehow random game based on spinning a wheel and landing on a square (getting a job, getting married, having a kid, collecting salary, losing, going to a trip, etc etc). It might be more random then real, but the version I'm talking about is played with more then a player, and the one who gets the biggest amount of money at the end wins the game. I think that's what you meant by Life (not the actual one :D).

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39. wolfi,

sord of :d

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40. BhavyaShah ,

Yes, Life is a famous game. Worth adding, I guess...
I've played the actual board game live a couple of times, so ya.

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