Measuring TCP Lag

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1. Sylphrena,

A command like /lag to measure the TCP lag between the client and the server would be pretty useful. Most users don't know how to ping the server, and even if they do, ICMP doesn't always reflect the precise lag.

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Yup that's nice. It's available in other games. However, I guess, a hotkey is better than a command

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3. Exink,

A command could work also since it has no conflicting keys; it's not that hard to handle after all. Just four characters and that's it. Quite good suggestion! Best regards.

Score: +0

4. sound2,

What do you mean, pin the server?

Score: +0

5. Exink,

I think they mean the fact about sending some signal in order to get back another signal, so that it's possible to measure the response time for the client. It's like trying to test what is the current speed for the server. What I do to check this is to press "W" key, but this command could be useful also to know the exact number of milliseconds or even seconds.

Score: +0

6. helleon,

yeah, excellent idea.

Score: +0

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