error message happens every time in 1000 miles why?

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1. HarmonicaPlayer,

hello i discovered if you junk a card and it prompts you and you press enter to fast playroom encounters an error and needs to close why? is that a bug? what I mean is one time a few days a go i had to discard a card i pressed enter once and when prompted pressed enter again on yes really fast and had to press enter a third time when the message came up "playroom encountered an error and needs to close we are sorry for the inconvenience." is there a resolution to that or does that have to do with internet connection?

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2. Aminiel,

I know of that bug, but I don't know why it is happening sometimes. Just don't play so fast and you wont encounter it.

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3. ugljesa ,

use delete key to junk cards instead of Enter. I hope that it helps.

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