Errors in scoring panels in Both Uno and Mexican Dominoes

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1. LadyKai,

I've noticed that when you check you're scores, the points you've made are scored for the opponent and the points the opponent made is scored for me. I think there was an error when assigning those. Uno has been that way for years and it would be helpful if both Uno and MD can be fixed so the correct players are scored properly.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

No, this is just a rule, not an error. Basically, there are 2 ways of counting points in such games. Either you count the hands of your opponents and get points based on that, making the player with the highest score win, or you count points based on your own hand making the lowest score win.

Score: +0

3. LadyKai,

Oh! My bad. I must not have read the rules closely enough. I apologize.

Score: +0

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