change the status

3 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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1. GooglePay,

dear moderator, greetings I when ever my I placed my cursor on the change your status, my screen reader is not reading my status, when I pressed enter, and, if I press a insert tab, its reading the status, instud of that, if we place the cursor on the status, it has to be read, will it be possible to make screen reader to read it?to

Score: +0

2. Mira,

Hello. If you want your screen reader to make your status use the arrow keys only. If you have help you can contact me.

Score: +0

3. GooglePay,

hello Mira, could u please share the details on the subject or, get me the contact modes, so that i can contact u

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