suggestion a grouping chat.

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1. unicornioAzul ,

hello. As the name implies, I suggest creating group chats. These can fulfill the function of talking to certain people more smoothly than in a closed forum conversation. but for what? if the tables are already free. Well, one chat member could be at a free table listening to a radio, the other in the lobby, and the other playing, and still be able to talk. I hope it is taken into account

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2. Mohammedradwan2003,

thought we have free tables.

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3. Emerald,

Someone already suggested this a while back. It was a no due to how complicated that would be. For example, how would you do that in the first place? Right now you have to @ someone’s. And then what happened when you @ a few people but someone messages you who isn’t in the group. Do they get added to the group? Or does that message go them. I don’t know if this makes sense at all. Just very messy.

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4. godfather,

The design should not be the issue here at all. the problem pointed out above seems to be quite minor, and can be easily resolved, say with another symbol for group chats. similar to how channels work for helpers and admins. #[channelname] (which could just as easily be groupchatname), message. It's more about the complexity of such a feature from an implementation's point of view, and whether the staff thinks it's wirth the effort or not. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe they have pointed out in the past that for now they will not be implementing this because they think that inbox, pm plus ft should suffice.

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Dernière édition par godfather, 26.05.2022 12:47

5. unicornioAzul ,

but in de permanent mesajes you only can add att less 7 persons…
and in the suggestion could be like sending a DM mesaje

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6. Exink,


This suggestion looks interesting for me, though I don't know yet how we could manage chat groupings, either for adding or removing people, turning notifications on or off, etc. Perhaps for a general use we should be able to set a channel name, and those members who enter the channel might be able to talk each other. I'm not aware how hard or convenient this might be to be added, though, but who knows.

All the best.

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7. amirmahdifard,

we have permanent messages for this.

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8. godfather,

Well as of now the permanent messages seem to be broken in the sense that we no longer get realtime onotifications. This has been reported before though, so I am confident that the staff is aware of it. As for permanent messages taking the place of a group chat, I'm not sure how to feel about that. Permanent messages for me.. are just that- permanent. Whenever I create a thread with one or more people it's usually for longer chats say something I wish to share with many, or create a thread to share important info, etc, things of that nature. Permanent longer messages rather than temporary instantaneous chatter.

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9. Exink,

Sorry, but arguing that we already have permanent messages seems to me like saying we shouldn't communicate via WhatsApp or similar if we already can make use of Gmail or other mail providers. Maybe this could work if there were more room to talk with more people via permanent messages, IMO.

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9 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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