Chess: Playroom providing an illegal position and crashing Stockfish (nouveau)

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Score: +2

1. Nikola,

in some cases, the Playroom can give an illegal position to Stockfish, thus crashing the entire engine. This will of course cause the bot not to be able to play anymore.

Many of these have been fixed, but I've recently received another broken one.

Create a Chess game and import the following PGN export in the Shift+H dialog:

1. Pd2-d4. Pd7-d5
2. Bc1-f4. Pe7-e6
3. Pe2-e3. Nb8-d7
4. Bf1-b5. Pc7-c6
5. Bb5-a4. Pa7-a5
6. Ng1-f3. Pb7-b5
7. Ba4-b3. Pa5-a4
8. Bb3xd5. Pe6xd5
9. Ke1-g1. Ng8-f6
10. Bf4-g5. Bf8-d6
11. Pa2-a3. Qd8-b6
12. Pb2-b4. Qb6-b8
13. Nb1-c3. Nf6-e4
14. Nc3xe4. Pd5xe4
15. Nf3-e5. Pf7-f6
16. Qd1-h5+. Pg7-g6
17. Ne5xg6. Ph7xg6
18. Qh5xh8+. Nd7-f8
19. Bg5xf6. Ra8-a7

Now, as a white player, move the white bishop from F6 to E5.
Assuming the bot is black, the engine now crashes.

In the CTRL+O dialog, we see the following FEN string:

1qb1kn1Q/r7/2pb2p1/1p2B3/pP1Pp3/P3P3/2P2PPP/R4RK b k - 0 19

However, this is not correct. The string claims black has the right to castle on king's side, but he doesn't, because one rook was captured, and another just moved from A8 to A7, so black has no right to castle at all.

Sidenote: When Stockfish crashes, it is no longer possible to start another game at all (enter does nothing). This is probably something to attempt to improve in the next client release, although maybe only bot games are affected (I haven't tested with humans).


Score: +1

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