(Solved) An interesting bug in backgammon

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1. Nikola,

Hello, i've discovered a bug i didn't expect. So, steps to reproduce: Create a table.
Add a bot, choose options and start the game. Press enter to throw the dice, and then press enter on whichever token you want, we'll take the one on 13 as an example.
After that, press x to stop the game and restart it. When you start it and throw the dice, the token on 13 remains the selected one and if you press enter on 8 when you got a five for example, it will move to square 8.
Seems someone forgot to reset everything :D

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Nikola, 24.07.2017 10:19

2. Aminiel,


This bug will be fixed in the next update. Thank you for signaling !

Score: +0

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