Magic blocks and leveling question

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1. Nikola,

this seemed quite strange to me, so I wanted to ask if it is supposed to work this way, or it is a mistake.
Normally, as far as I understand, on the easy difficulty level, after 1000 points you reach level 1, at 2000 level 2, and so on.
However, since on level 0 you start out with only 2 different block types, it is entirely possible to make a very huge combo over the entire grid exploding everything in one go.
The maximum I was able to earn on level 0 is 20000 points with one combo.
However, if you do this, you cause a very strange situation.
Now, you are on level 1, with 20000 points, instead of level 20.
This way, after every single explosion, you will pass a level, and this continues untill you reach the last level 20.

I assume this is how these huge scores on the scoreboard are made. People pass the first level with a huge amount of points, and then continue making combos in the easier levels, though I am not personally good at making huge combos in later levels. This whole situation of being on level 1, with only 3 different block types and over 20000 points already accumulated just seemed quite strange.

What is also another question I have, in this very huge combo over the entire board, I still earn just 1 bonus, either a changer or a bomb.
I think these bigger and more complex combos should be more rewarding, and you should win multiple bonuses.


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2. Alan1003,

what is this game? how to play it

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3. Nikola,

It's an audiogame available in the new V3 client.
You can find its rules either by pressing CTRL F1 from a Magic blocks table, or by visiting

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4. Rincewind ,

Hi, from my experience that's absolutely correct. It becomes challenging after level 0 because, as you said, each explosion makes us level up, which does make sense as you've already reached 20000, or whichever number you achieve in level 0. We have to be careful to find combos which would need a single explosion, and that's where I feel is the challenge. It becomes more difficult to do the same thing with more sounds. It would be strange if we jump to level 20 right after the first explosion. Although somehow I don't think that's what you're saying. I agree with the latter point, for bigger explosion I think there could be a bigger reward than a bomb or a changer, although you can still spend time in the level 0 to obtain some of those items.
If it helps, the maximum I've achieved in level 0 is 60000.

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5. Vojvoda,

I think that the whole game is actually a bug, because after having a big explosion at level 0, each other explosion vill make you go one level up, no matter how big. For example I am sure that that strategy does not work on let's say level 18 anymore, and that's surely not how the game was meant to work, of course Aminiel can correct me if I am wrong.

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6. Aminiel,


This is definitely a bug. If you make 20000 points in one shot, then you should directly go to level 20.

Then for bonuses, I'll consider giving greater rewards for bigger combos.

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Dernière édition par Aminiel, 23.09.2021 18:37

7. Rincewind ,

Hi, would jumping to level 20 mean that we move from 2 sounds to multiple sounds? If so I think what we have now gives a lot of scope for creativity. Jumping to such a high level straight away wouldn't let us create blocks that are challenging and also rewarding, we wouldn't have time. Just my thought.

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8. Aminiel,


Yes, but keep in mind that you earn a lot more points in level 20 than in level 0, even for a simple basic explosion of three blocks or even a single drop. So you are in any case rewarded for having reached such a high level.

The total time passed until game over is also taken into account and can give you a slight bonus.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Aminiel, 24.09.2021 16:13

9. sukil,

How do you know your level? For me pressing V doesn't work.

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10. Aminiel,

Press E to know the current level, not V.

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11. Aminiel,

Magic Blocks has been updated.

  • Leveling bug is fixed
  • Score multiplier depending on level has been increased
  • You no longer go to next level every 1000 points, but after 1500, 2000 or more, increasing with the level
  • You can obtain more than one bonus at a time by making combos involving 9 or more blocks
  • Maximum level is now 25 instead of 20

I think I will need to reset highscores, I'm unsure yet.

What do you think about these changes ?

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12. guliwer,

I think that after these changes you should reset highscores, because it is not possible to improve them, I'm not sure if in all types, but in lowest there are no chance.

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13. Nikola,

yes, I agree and I also think that there should be a reset since it's quite different from how it worked before.

Thanks for the update. It works just as I would expect.

One minor thing, when you have some time in a future update, it would be great if you can improve the way we earn multiple bonuses.
Right now, when making a combo over the entire board, you earn about 10 bonuses.
This causes a history spam of bomb obtained, changer obtained, and so on about 10 times.
On slower PCs like mine is, this even slows the game down for a second, and this second is unfortunately quite significant if you reached level 19 / 20.
It would be great if you can instead make it say something like, 6 bombs obtained, 4 changers obtained rather than these repeated messages for each bonus.


Score: +1

14. guliwer,

I'm sorry, I change my mind :) It is possible to beat records in each type.
I did over 500k

Score: +0

Dernière édition par guliwer, 26.09.2021 00:03

15. Rincewind ,

Hi, yes, agreed with both. It makes sense to reset scores when you're changing how the game works. Although personally the part of the game that I enjoyed the most was figuring out combinations that would give me the maximum amount of points when there were 2,3, 4 sounds. But the moment you get a high score in any of those levels you jump to 25, which gets chaotic, and there aren't a lot of patterns that you can make with so many sounds, even if we get rewarded higher for building small blocks . I guess I'm a slow player in that sense. But I think I might be the only one who feels that way, so it's irrelevant

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16. sukil,

OK, thanks for replying and thanks for the update! If E is the correct key the manual is wrong in at least English, Spanish hand French. Also the keyboard shortcuts don't appear in a table in Spanish and French.

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17. eylulforreal,

Does anyone know where is the battle royal mode? I can only see time attack and score attack

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18. Nikola,

the battle royal mode is not implemented yet.
For now you can only play alone.

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