adding file sharing support in perminent messages and in free tables if possible. (refusé)

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Score: -3

1. aayushi,

Hi I have got an idea. If we can add file sharing support in perminent messages and in free tables if possible we can share a lot with ppl. code files, any docs file and much more. Can you pleaze tell will it be possible to implement.

Score: -1

2. abhishek,

i don't think its possible, cause, this requires a lot storage.
as qc is free, its not possible.
also, the idea itself is different, why you need to share files on gaming platforms?
already there are such dedicated platforms, which are fully accessible.
you can use telegram, whatsapp for this.

Score: +2

3. Quintin-D,

Score: +1

4. Aminiel,


Beyond the storage needed, we don't want to be responsible for illegal files that could be transfered through the playroom, such as malwares, pirated software or sex stuff. So this feature will never be available.

There are tons of cloud providers, don't hesitate to use them to share files with your friends: dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, iCloud, etc.

Score: +4

5. aayushi,

thank you all I didn't thought someone could use to spread malitious files.

Score: +1

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