OnePlus 5 call screen

5 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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1. phoenix009,

Hi Guys

So I have a onePlus 5, running Android ten. However, the screen where I pick up a call is completely inaccessible. Is there a way to fix this?

Score: +0

2. Frosty,

you probably have to slide in some direction. once you get to know it, you'll no longer call it inaccesible

Score: +0

3. phoenix009,

Oh. I heard that there is a third-party app that helps. Don't have any other ideas, though

Score: +0

4. StormProductions,

You can get Google Phone. It's pretty accessible. Find it on Google Play.

Score: +0

5. phoenix009,

Ok. Thanks a ton.

Score: +0

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