suggestion to allow bots in quiz party, the little exam, and scrabble, along with allowing bots in connect four, reverse, chess, and go beta on the web client. (in corso)

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Punteggio: +4

1. Elevatorguy,

hello. I would prefer if bots were allowed in quiz party, the little exam, and scrabble because it would be really interesting if bots would be allowed in those games. I would also suggest allowing bots in connect for, reverse, chess, and go beta on the web client, because I do not use the windows client and I would love to play these games with bots on the web client.

Punteggio: +0

2. Nikola,

for most games, when bots aren't available, it means that it is either not technically doable, or that it wouldn't make sense. For instance, in the Little exam, how would a bot judge your answers? Never mind that, but how would a bot even give its own answers? A basic dictionary wouldn't be enough, since many categories rely on proper nouns. Simply put, this is a human, and a typical social game.

Something similar could be said about the Quiz, where a bot would just give random answers, though some kind of solo mode concept for that game wouldn't be that bad.

In games like Go/Chess/connect 4, technically speaking, the Playroom uses an engine to let the bot run on your own device, as it would otherwise be too resource intensive for the Playroom server. Such an engine doesn't run on the web, that being said, I'm optimistic this might be possible in the future, if not already worth investigating. For the developer: Someone recently put up an interesting technical discussion in that regard here.

For Scrabble, probably a similar concept would have to be imagined using an already existing engine, but so far, no suitable engine was found. Even if it doesn't look so promising at the moment, you never know what to expect. Chess was released many years ago, and the bots for it became available only recently, in 2021. By the way, in case you weren't aware, Scrabble is one of the games that you can play alone as well, if you want to practice.

Punteggio: +2

3. glad,

is it possible to add bots for quiz party. they can answer to questions in duck racing so they will work for quiz party.

Punteggio: -1

4. Aminiel,


IN duck racing, yes, bots answer to quiz questions, but they do it at random, and they answer correctly with the same rate as humans do for a given question.
It's acceptable to do so in duck racing, as questions isn't the main purpose of the game, and well, questions don't decide much on the final outcome of the game.

However, in quiz, where the whole purpose is only answering questions, it wouldn't make sense to do the same. A bot would just replicate a theoretical average player mostly playing at random. Probably that, in practice, it would be very very easy to beat it.
You would feel very smart while you aren't that much really, lol!
So well, really, it doesn't make sense at all to do such a thing.

If I had to do something for quiz, it would rather be a solo mode, not a game against bots.

WE can imagine a lot of ways to play alone, but it must be something entertaining, something that makes you learn interesting things, but also something that doesn't allow you to go through the whole database in a few hours.
Nothing is planed at the moment, but why not, maybe, in the future. As usual, don't expect anything, but you may find a good surprise one day without notice.

Punteggio: +2

5. gatia ,

I think it would be nice if the bots could play in quiz party, answering randomly.

I would like to be able to train for different tournaments that are organized in my language server, which is not English, so maybe the bots are a Good option

Punteggio: +0

6. GeorgeWu,

Personally I agree.

Punteggio: +0

7. Emrah20,

I also agree with this.

Punteggio: +0

8. Elevatorguy,

I also have a suggestion to allow bots with the three and four player versions of connect four and reverse as I think it will make the game popular for Web client users. Just so you know you are more than welcome to join my tables, but I will not be participating in the chat.

Punteggio: +0

Ultima edizione da Elevatorguy, 08.12.2023 13:36:09

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