1. Quintin-D,
Final score in 99 after game please
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Final score in 99 after game please
Punteggio: +0
Quintin-D wrote:
Final score in 99 after game please
Punteggio: -1
Ultima edizione da godfather, 16.12.2023 04:16:25
this suggestion should be more detailed, but i agreed. basicaly, the problem is that the scor is not displayed at the end of a game. this can be usefule to see how many tokens is remeining to your oponent, but most importently, this can be usefule for tournaments. sometime, this is the number of tokens that determine who will advence in some case, and if nobody pressed s close to the end of the game, this is a bit hard to get the information and this cosed some problems a couple of times.
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