Hello, first of all, as users of the Serbian language, we would like to thank you for getting the opportunity to play the games in our language. It expanded the amount of users playing games in our community. With that, we would like to ask the administration team to help us deliver Quiz party to the Serbian server. There are several users who would be interested in validating and accepting questions, and the community is interested in actively participating and working on expanding the game.
The Serbian server is already active a little more than a year, and the translation of all the other features and functions is already completed, so I think it is a good occasion to start this work.
What would we need to do to start this initiative?
Thank you for your answers.
Punteggio: +2
2. YNWA,
The early advice I would give you is compile a list of questians that you can add to Quiz party in notepad or somewhere else. If you want to you can give the questions to other members of your team and they can check them for errors as a practise exercise.
Good luck.
Punteggio: +1
3. Tteettkkaa,
Hello! This would be really great. The experience of playing in your own language is definitely different, we have more fun this way! ☺ The quiz is one of the games which activates the whole squad. It would be fantastic to have the possibility to play it in serbian, too.
Punteggio: +1
Ultima edizione da Tteettkkaa, 01.02.2024 22:44:31
4. Vojvoda,
I would strongly support this idea. Over the years, even when there was no sign of Serbian server ever being available in the future, I collected questions from the quizzes that aired on Serbian TV, as well as online ones that I played. Just in case we ever reach the point when we will need them for the serbian version of quiz party. So I already have a couple hundreds of questions. I would also like to point out that the little exam in serbian is a very popular game. We seem to enjoy games of that format, hence the opinion that quiz would not be only a great addition, but it would also bring interest to the potentional newcomers. I don't know how much work it means for you Aminiel but just letting you know that we have Nikola on our side, and with him everything runs smoothly. 🙂 Greetings from the quiz maniac
Punteggio: +1
5. Aminiel,
Technically, activating quiz in serbian isn't complicated, as everything is already almost up and running.
However, before that, you need to make a team of question validators and correctors, and the database must contain at least 3000 questions. The quiz team is responsible for reviewing submitted questions, maintain and update them, make sure they are factually correct, well written, in the correct category, etc. I already wrote many things about that when starting the english version, so hopfully you should find everything on the forum.