duck racing challenge: alphabet numbers

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1. horse,

Challengers are given a word that they must type using numbers to coorospond with letters. In other words counting their position in the alphabet.
For example the word dog would be 4157. The word regular would be 18572112118.
This challenge may not work in all languages. For languages with accents and other marks, try to omit these characters if possible.

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2. Nikola,

I like this idea, and I'll also submit one I've had for a while just because it's quite close to yours.

T9 challenge:
You are given a word, and you should type it, simulating a T9 input system, used on old phones with only a numeric keypad.

Normally, we have 2 for A, 22 for B, 222 for C, etc... But I think we can simplify this for Duck racing where you need to type only one number.
For instance, dog would be 364, cat would be 228, etc...

It would probably be good to limit both to relatively shorter words, typing a 10-letter word is overdoing it.

I think both of these ideas could work in all languages, as long as translators have a way to provide mapped lists. I.e. for your challenge, it may be something like this in English:

It may be completely different in another language (mostly thinking of Russian/Serbian here where a different alphabet order is used).

For my idea, I'm thinking of a similar format, it's just that here you'd provide which letters map to each number, so numbers would take the key here. For example:
2=A, B, C
3=D, E, F
4=G, H, I

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