Hello all,
After seeing that Vojvoda and his friends has taken the matter to the public, and are trying to play the victim role, I have to explain some unclear points about that specific case.
We need to start by having a look at the background of that specific incident because the ban was not something that came out of nowhere, and I have taken in consideration many other factors.
I have always received complaints about Vojvoda’s status messages for containing something sexual or in one incident, racist. When I ask him very professionally to change it via f4, he always replies very unprofessionally and very ironically, or refuses to change it.
And since he refuses to change such statuses most of the times even after the warning I often had to ban him for some few hours.
So, back to that specific incident, let’s skip the part about the topic sexy friends since it is controversial and many people have agreed it is not a wise choice, hence it would not hurt to change it to cool friends I believe. Anyway, as usual he talked very ironically and very unprofessionally, that is how I would rephrase it.
His argument was that the table is private, which does not make sense, and does not change anything since by that logic I can go insult any player using the table topic by just making it private and that would protect me? He also argued that Aminiel have said that since the free table is private “there is nothing that matters there” so that can protect him, which Aminiel had never said.
Note that the other player who had his free table topic “only niggas” Changed the topic immediately without such useless arguments, and was not banned.
As it was discussed before, we as admins and Helpers of the English part understand the particularity of the English part of the playroom, and in many occasions, actually most occasions allow foreign languages as free table topics or statuses, unless they are reported to us for violating any rule which sadly we have no so certain method to check. So we try our best to figure out what it means and request them to change it as an extra precaution.
So why was Vojvoda banned?
Vojvoda can actually speak English quite good as you can see, it is not that he cannot, despite that fact, after he was asked to change such topic, he chose to use a foreign language which happens to be Serbian.
considering his background and previous incidents that would almost certainly something ironic or insulting, it is good that he has done me a favor and explained it here, so I was not wrong, after all, and here is his explanation:
I changed the topic of the table which by the way was private to svi na terapiju kod miroljuba, which in english means everyone should go to therapy to Miroljub. Let's explain who was and still is Miroljub, Miroljub is a Serbian famous doctor of natural medicine who critisizes Alcohol, Drugs, and all the unhealthy things in a funny way of talking.
We are not robots; we have brains to think and understand the intended meaning or action to change it to a foreign language, and even more, put such topic that says “everyone should go to therapy”, just after asking him to change a topic which he did not agree it should be changed.
And by the way when I asked his friend to change the topic he was in the table but with the Serbian topic.
So lastly, I will demonstrate what I meant by ironic and unprofessional manors by showing you the conversation of that incidents and what his friend has done after the ban.
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: please change your free table topic to somethign more appropriate.
Vojvoda says to operators: table is private
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: it doesn't matter, the topic is still not appropriate.
Vojvoda says to operators: so funny aminiel said so many times that if the table is private there is nothing what matters there
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: not the topic, he never said so.
Vojvoda says to operators: he said so and I will give you the link of that
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: anyway change it first.
Vojvoda says to operators: And now if I provide the link you resign from your position or what
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: provide that link, anyway I have all authority to take actions what I think fit.
marina7 replies to Vojvoda: you can contact admins and ask about that.
Vojvoda says to operators: kk won't provide the link which won't make any changes but will let him know
marina7 replies to bronze.bomber: Please change your free table topic.
bronze.bomber says to operators: Hi, this is very unpolite and unacceptable what you are doing now. You banned my friend five minutes after he changed the table topic and wrote a message to me to change the topic when I already left the table. This is not a toy of yours and be sure that I will contact Aminiel through my french friends and the ending won't be here.
I will let you dear users decide if the ban of only 12 hours considering all the facts, was appropriate or not.
Thank you.