Crashing words persisting again?

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1. afrim,

Hello admins and players,
It’s too sad to write about this problem again, but it’s also tremendously frustrating to see that we’re still having our screen readers crashed by some horrific people. I know that you cannot really do anything so big to disappear this problem from playroom, but it would be immensely great to prevent it to some extent. About an hour ago, particularly about 7:30 PM, I joined a free table and as soon as the person heard the signal, come on! The word was sent and it crashed my jaws and I was forced to restart my computer to get it working again. It’s not really good to see that after four years of existence this events are still going on and we cannot get to a point where we can talk about a good soul of social community.
I would like to give a suggestion to the players, as far as chat in the mainroom is stopped so you are not risked to have your eloquence crashed. Whenever you join a free table, try switching your synthesiser to sappy 5 or any other one you have installed, like the vocaliser expressive or real speak solo direct. I’d also like to encourage users of this forum to report cases of screen reader crashes and the words which their screen readers are crashed by.
Unfortunately, I wanted to save the history to get the word, but playroom crashed as well. What’s more important though, is the user who wrote it, and his name is Mamalifeshfesheh.
Every answer is highly appreciated and I am looking forward to getting an answer from you.

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Ultima edizione da afrim, 30.07.2015 20:37:50

2. Riad,

Well my suggestion is that you ban the radical "hes" which is the base of almost all problems we have here.

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3. Giovani ,

Yes, previously I notice It also and My Jaws was out. Couple of years back. But, I love an NVDA. This is better with Espeak and ofcourse, I should It also to another players. Try use NVDA here, not jaws many time, because sometimes happened, what happened. I don't want to say, this is mistake of developers of playroom. This is mistake of famous JFW, with big sorry.

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4. LaraStardust,

it is a shame you couldnt get that history report in

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5. afrim,

@Dardar, I tryed really so much to get that history but I couldn't get playroom working normally, and it became irresponsive

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6. YNWA,

Afrim what have you done? I don't think we can ever forgive you lol

We have all sent many of those and they are a bit like painting coal white?

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7. The-white-dove,


I have reported 2 crashers till now. One is Kiristi-yano, that joined my table just to send a crashing word3 or 4 times and to leave after. I have reported him via f4 key,the send history report option, Have posted a message on the forum, and a permanent message to Mayya. Unfortunately though the admins took no action against him. I have witnessed him doing that 2 more times. First at a table of Farcle that I've joined because a friend of mine was there, and saw him sending that word, the second time it was at a free table a week ago. MR.Riad was at that free table as well so he might remember it.

The other person is Nidza09. He has put a crashing word as a free table topic and, because I was checking the list of available tables, my screen reader crashed. I contacted him asking to delete the topic because my JAWS crashed and that can happen to anybody
else. In reply he wrote: "your screen reader is stupid. I put that word because my friend wanted it". The friend he mentioned is ilija.simeunovic. She was with him at the table. When I sent another message saying he has to remove the topic or I will report him, he left that table leaving his friend there.

I have sent Mayya a permanent message right then, reporting them, but apparently that message has been ignored like the previous one.

Not banning such people will just encourage them and even others to go on with their bad behavior.

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Ultima edizione da The-white-dove, 31.07.2015 00:49:59

8. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah I know this kiristi-yano guy, he's a spamer actualy.

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9. Exink,


In first instance, the fault about crashing words isn't of FreedomScientific, but instead of ETI Technologie, who has developed and stoped the enhanzing in Eloquence, because Eloquence can't pronounce these sentences and it's crashed.

In second instance, have you tried to press insert+spacebar, s, and pressed the same command again? Even I tested it with myself and I could recover my JAWS without crashing the playroom too.


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Ultima edizione da Exink, 31.07.2015 07:59:03

10. afrim,

Thank you for the tip saniel, you are welcome.

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11. The-white-dove,

@Saniel-yunier This tip didn't work for me.

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12. Exink,

@Teardrop So strange indeed... Note that when the synth is crashed you have to press the shortcut twice, and wait until Eloquence is working again. In other words, Eloquence con't recovery inmediatelly but the shynt will activate after it is off. That's what I do when I am using Eloquence in english and someone crashes it, but unfortunately if it doesn't work for you it would be a pitti...

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Ultima edizione da Exink, 31.07.2015 18:16:45

13. The-white-dove,

@Afrim The player who crashed your screenreader created a free table about half an hour ago and put a crashing word as a table topic. my JAWS crashed while I was in the main room, because someone left that table and screenreader reads when people join or leave tables. So now we are under risk even while sitting in the main room. I used NVDA after and joined that table. There was 6 people discussing something about sex... When I asked why did they put that topic I got no reply. So I have sent a history report after and hope it will be read.

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14. afrim,

many many thanks to you teardropness. I was wondering why was that player still living in this forum.

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15. Cristina ,

Lol guys, i wonder why my jaws never was crashed by none of persons whose name was mentioned or even those crashing words. Can someone tell me why? smile

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16. afrim,

Probably you've not ever been sent crashing words through private messages, or you haven't come across these people yet. When you run into them, then we'll talk.

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17. The-white-dove,

It is because you don't use the english eloquence,cristina. You probably use the romanian expressive vocaliser. Those words crash the english eloquence only.

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18. YNWA,

I think your smug reply is unwanted and was just a waste of a message Christina as it serves no purpose or helpfulness to any other user of the playroom!

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Ultima edizione da YNWA, 08.08.2015 22:23:25

19. afrim,

She just gave her opinion mate. She was wondering why was her jaws never being crashed. But she didn't know that the eloquence is the only synthesiser which can be crashed so far.

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20. Cristina ,

yes, I really wanted to know. And I don't drop messages here for being hironic, or cause I would be bored as many persons are doing. It's good that I got what I wanted to know and no need to warn other people who use the romanian version as I am doing. Cause there are some. therefore it was not useless my quiestion even if my answer was smug and unwanted for you ynwa. :P

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Ultima edizione da Cristina , 08.08.2015 23:16:50

21. Epic_Krrish,

Well cristina you came bit late, it was happening before you came today, i was really struggling in running the 2nd round of the uno tournament, my jaws was creshing over and over again... it was very difficult

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22. Cristina ,

I know what you mean Krrish but I was online already when almost all of you complained to that uno table that it's dangerous to stay even in the main room cause of jaws crashers. I agree that's absolutely annoying. But anyway I specified that none of those jaws crashers or even their weird words never did it with mine and wondered why? Therefore cause of this I asked. And I got the answer. Thanks a lot! smile

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23. afrim,

OK, glad that everything is now clerified

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24. Lemonade,

We have people with crashing usernames as well as free tables with crash word topics in them. I think the best thing to do would be to implement filters so that those words do not get displayed at all. I don't know how difficult to code that would be, but it would solve a very large part of the problem if the filter included every part of the playroom, from free table topics to system messages to usernames and chat messages. There's a pattern to the crash words, most include a combination of letters one after the other, I might be able to more accurately find the pattern if you want.

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25. afrim,

I've been thinkin' about it for a long time, mainly since I saw this problem occurring on playroom.

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26. Athlon,

yeah, you can easy filter it by checking everything that's sent out against a regular expression filter, at least that's what alter aeon does.

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27. Raki,

sounds like hard work, but would be fantastic if done.

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