tips for playing UNO with Super Interceptions, Interceptions and Straights enabled

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1. BhavyaShah ,

Dear all,
I am a relatively speedy screen reader user. I use NVDA with ESpeak at the speech rate of 35% with Rate Boost enabled. I would say it equates to 70% in JAWS with ETI Eloquence. I have a stable Internet connection which I can call as fast enough. Perhaps, some megabits per second. In a group match of who
Yet, when I play with strong UNO players their speed is simply mind-boggling to me. They super intercept so quickly and consecutively that I am hearing NVDA narrate the gameplay when the next round has sometimes already started.
When I am being the spectator of a group UNO match with numerous players involved, NVDA simply keeps speaking without a single pause due to the occurence of moves every single second, and often it is reading information about the first round when the next round has already begun (I perceive this information through the sounds).
Could you guys give any tips I could improve my UNO gameplay, speed, strategy and otherwise?
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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2. Athlon,

play the bots till you are too fast for them, then play one on one matches with strong players till you get fast

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3. BhavyaShah ,

Thanks for the suggestion. Will do.

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4. wolfi,

I'll do that to. thanks man

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5. Riad,

You can train against me if you like :D. I'm playing Uno since a year or so, first with the bots. But my problem is that my net is really unstable.

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6. MuhammadHajjar,

Mine too, which caused me a lot of problems while playing. One of them is when I lost my uno tournament matches several days ago, it was slower than I expected it to be.

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7. BhavyaShah ,

I can handle matches against one or two players quite well, but, group matches seem to be the greater problem.
MR.Riad, I am sending you a friend request and shall play against you and train myself.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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8. LaraStardust,

I would have thought group matches are easier.
But anyway yeah I think its down time experience, those quote strong players quote either player every hour of there waking day or have been playing for some time

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9. Riad,

:D yeah that's how I see it. My uno experience will be completing its first anniversary soon, I can tell you that I'm not the best ever Uno player, but I'm very good at it, try me when my net is good, and I'll show you, :D

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10. BhavyaShah ,

Group matches are terribly difficult for me. Playing against two players is still okay and handlable for me, but, in case of a bigger game, me winning is impossible presently. I am the second or third one in a group of 7 or 8 to get knocked out.
I shall not doubt your Uno skills, but, sure, I would love to play with you. Thanks a lot for your offer. :)
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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11. wolfi,

and make sure that your cards are in order that might helps to be a little bit faster

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12. BhavyaShah ,

I always do a Shift + H before every game, as a definite rule.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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