favorite games? least favorite? why?

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1. GailRearden ,

so? any answers?

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2. blindblog,

Hi this is Daniel, I like chess right now but am also partial to 1000 miles followed by dominos, battleship and texas hold em. I'm used to American monopoly so this one is new to me.

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3. GailRearden ,

nice there's the american board too I believe.

but mine are dominos, yotsee, la scopa, the free table thingy, and can't think of any others right now.

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4. blindncool,

Well, I like 1000 miles, yotsee, texas holdem, uno and monopoly.

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5. laurita,

hi. i like yahtzee. it's interesting game.

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6. blake,

Hi. I like Uno, battleship, one thousand miles, connect four, and skopa, and I think there are others i might like if I only knew how to play them.

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7. zseli,

Hi, i like uno and 1000 miles.

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8. Soundarya-Pradhan,

Yah, Chess is my feb game, then connect four, then free table, and, then, skopa. I do not play chess here due to some bugs, and, Do not play skopa of hi level lemitation of score for a victary because, it takes so much time. I play connect four. no problem!

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9. Athlon,

I am a huge fan of uno because it requires you to be always thinking, followed by the little exam, because you can get creative. 100 miles is near te top of my favorites too.

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10. spaceship,

Ooo I am Soundarya-pradhan, and yes i like the little exam also!
But unfortunetly, I dont know about english celebs and singers acters etc. and yeah, of course it improves my english. I am from india.

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11. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I am rather fond of Uno but the thing that turns me off about that game is the playable options do not beep like they do in RS.
Other than that, I love the playroom.
It has way more features and games than RS could ever hope to produce, and the playroom doesn't lag like hell the way RS does.

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12. stevious,

I like dominoes, Rummy, 1000 miles, connect 4, yahtzee, free table, and Uno

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13. rockstar2013,

Hello everyone. I am Saiteja from India. I like 1000 miles, uno, dominos, scopa, shut the boxes, yahtsee, the free table and scientific war. I might like other games also.

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14. sweet_selena_2000,

hi, I like farkle, poker, 1000 miles, free table, yahdzeee, shut the boxes.

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15. stanito2000 ,

Hello, I am stanimira from bulgaria I like farkle, chess, shut the boxes, domino, scopa 1000 miles, boylabayssse and another! It's super gaming platform, and the friends hear are super! ::D!I wish you very luck and success admins and friends!

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16. sparkle98,

farkle, battleship, monopoly british board, spades, french tarot, and... a lot of things, texas holdem black jack mmm a bit of free table, and i hate hate hate 1000 miles, you can write me in the inbox and i will tell you why because i don't really want to tell why on here

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