1000 miles tournament: Congratulations to Paulius (~LabelDone~)

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1. Nikola,

Hello all,
we have concluded the 1000 miles tournament. Congratulations to Paulius!
Not only was it a great win in the final game against Cristina, but it is another country entering the ranking for the first time and winning the tournament! Some great points are going to Lithuania this time.

In addition to that, Canada takes the first place alone, and Bulgaria is another country entering the ranking. Reminder: You can always view the ranking in the central world cup topic, where you can also vote for the next month's game.

To conclude, the scores of the final game were:
Paulius: 6100.
cristina: 4475.

Congratulations once again, and see you next month! Only two more tournaments to go, take the final opportunities to sign up and represent your country!

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2. GeorgeWu,


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3. Paulius,

Thanks :)

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4. Emerald,

Well done. Hope you enjoyed it too!

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5. glad,


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