1000 miles tournament. (~LabelDone~)

14 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

счёт: -8

1. glad,

Hi I wanted to organize a 1000 miles tournament. it will be on 10th of feb on 9pm Indian standard time. It will be team tournament with 2 teams of 4 people each. there will be 4 tables with 16 people. the person who has the highest scores of these 4 tables will compeat in the next round. then the person with the highest score wins the tournament. the cards would be shuffled and extended deck is alloued. also accumulation of problems is activated. please sign up and please excuse my typos. Thank you.

счёт: -3

Последнее изменение glad, 29.01.2024 14:01:28

2. shining.star02 ,

hi i want to participate please

счёт: +0

3. glad,

sure if anyone else want to join I can extend the date. minimum would be 16 people.

счёт: -1

4. StormProductions,

Register me too.

счёт: +0

5. King.war.imortal.10,

Saya ingin mengikuti turnamen 1000 mil.
bolehkah saya bergabung?

счёт: +0

6. Marina,

@King.war.imortal.10 Please write in English on the English public forum. No one would judge you if you use a translator, but it would make it easier for everyone to understand, Thanks.

счёт: +1

7. glad,

@King.war.imortal.10 sure you can join.

счёт: +0

Последнее изменение glad, 06.02.2024 08:26:28

8. LazarJames,

register me pleas.

счёт: +0

9. Live.cat,

I will join

счёт: +0

10. the.windy,

I want to join

счёт: +0

11. thePleyroom,

it is Feb 10 9:20 pm IST. and the organizer is still not here. -1

счёт: +1

12. Naday,

It was very clear since the beginning. She said she "WANTED TO".

счёт: +2

13. golden ,

count me in

счёт: +0

14. Myman,

I want to join

счёт: +0

14 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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