duck racing toornament:

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1. medhansh,

hay all, i would like to announce a toornament. it will begin on 9 January of duck racing format: 20 players , 10 on each table i will also play and top four in super eight. then from their top four in semi and two in final. winner of final the winner of tournament.
rules: 10 laps, 16 challenges, ducks at the casino. timings: 2:00 pm Indian standert time. hope all will join.

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Последнее изменение medhansh, вчера 08:29

2. glad,

Count me in from India

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Последнее изменение glad, пятница 17:08

3. Emerald,

I’d like to kindly point out something if ok. By no means am I trying to be rude but letting players decide might be chaotic and doesn’t sound like a real tournament to me. You are the organiser so why not organise it. It would make you look confident in running it and make the people joining more at ease because right now I would not feel comfortable joining, knowing there’s no actual structure. Maybe the others feel the same way and thus you may not get a lot of people joining. However, since Glad joined, it makes me think that maybe you can get some players who are ok with a lot of flexibility which is fine, just not for maybe most of us who have done tournaments before. I wish you the best either way.

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4. medhansh,

so the structure i have to announce. 20 players including me. 10 on two tables. the top 4 from each group will go in super 8 and the super 8 will be in a table. then top 4 in semi-final and 2 in finals. please join

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5. Emerald,

Ok good thanks for that. It really helps. Unfortunately it’s too early for me. If I happen to be on at that time then I’ll join as a standby. Hope you get your players needed and may this be a good tournament.

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6. medhansh,

hay all, as you know that the players have not registered yet, i post-
pone the toornament to 9 January. please register. regards.

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7. browneye,

i'd like to participate.

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8. medhansh,

no one has joined. now toornament on 4 :00 pm Indian standard time. please join 4:00 pm Indian standard time today.

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