Greetings all! I decided to organize tomorrow and today of tomorrow a little quiz party tournament. This will need 8 players, because is a little competition, yet. In the saturday will play the two groups. First will be play at 22 eastern european time, 21 central time, and 20 western. The second group will be play on 22.20 eastern time, 21.20 central time, and 20.20 western time. In the sunday will be play the semfinal from the same date as saturday 22 eastern, 21 central, and 20 western european time, so the final will play at 22.20 eastern, 23.20 central, and 20.20 western. All dates are in the european time. At the groups the time to answer at questions will be 15 seconds, and the score will be fixed at 15 points. At the semifinal the time to answer will be allso 15, but score will be 10. In the finall you will have only 5 seconds to answer, and the victorry will be fixed at 20 points. This is my first tournament, scuse me if this is not the best. If you want to join, you must to make it untill saturday 11-11-2017.
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2. Nikola,
So, while I will let the others who join comment on the organisational part of the tournament, i have just one question. How will you make the thinking time 5 seconds when the least you can put is 10? Makes me wonder how much did you play.
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3. george,
ok, i modify at 10, but not mucher, it is a competition.
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4. Nikola,
If i get it correctly, people have until tomorrow to join? Or, in other words, about 20 minutes since this post.
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5. Naday,
In his country it is an hour later than in yours I believe, but this tournament was kind of sudden. Maybe if you would have started with not just hours to join but some days or weeks...
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6. Vojvoda ,
Some inteligency is really needed to make one tournament.