1,000 Miles Tournament

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1. Lexy,

Hello everyone. Myself, and Ethan714 are going to be going to organize a 1,000 miles tournament which will take place on Saturday September 5th at 1:00 PM eastern standard time. This tournament will take place in teams, with 16 teams necessary for this to work. That is a total of 32 players. There will be a certain order of which players will need to enter the tables in order for the teams to work properly. Consense cards will not be used. Accumulation of problems will also not be activated. Players with any questions can feel free to message either myself or ethan714

Please sign up here to register.

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2. StormProductions,

I'd like to participate.

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3. eathan,

all right. Do you by chance know who you want to partner with? This would make it a lot easier.

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4. StormProductions,

It's OK if it'll be random.

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5. helleon,

I'd like to sign up too, and am happy to partner with Storm-Productions if he's happy with that arrangement and if knowing who is playing who makes it easier for you guys to organise!

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6. StormProductions,

Yes, I totally agree. May the best win!

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7. alee,

count me in please i am alee from iran

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Последнее изменение alee, 03.09.2020 12:12:10

8. StormProductions,

I don't think that this tournament will be organised as there's not enough players. Let's hope people will still register.

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9. eathan,

i hope so to, but i think you are right. we havn't lost hope yet... but, i'm not confident

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10. leslie_grace ,

if alee wants, we can team up

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11. alee,

Yes, we can team up. I agree

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12. Lexy,

Hello everyone. Unfortunately, due to a lack of players, our 1,000 miles tournament that was supposed to take place today, Saturday September 5th needs to be canceled. However, if the teams who signed up would like to still play a light game of 1,000 miles, feel free to come on the sight. We will be on the playroom and will work to put all players who registered above, in teams, and we can have a light game. Thank you everyone for understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused

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