Our winner of the best pond duck is

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1. Emerald,

So after a very intensive and exciting game, our winner is now here. Please say congratulations to: magnumjinglebellringer. Thanks to all who took part and hopefully see you all again for another one.

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2. godfather,

Thank you all for a truly amazing set of games.
I don't remember having so much fun playing a game up here in a while, what with the hilarious chatter, and the intense breathtaking matches where tables seemed to turn at the blink of an eye.
I also feel its worth mentioning that this was my very first officially organised tournament and given the enjoyment I received from this, I plan to participate in a lot more!
Thank you @cheetercheese for your truly amazing organisation and commitment.
Thank you everyone who participated as well, whether it be by directly playing or coming in as stand-by's, or even to chat and cheer us all up everyone I think played a big roll in making this tournament what it was.
Thanks once again and see you all in the next one. :)

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Последнее изменение godfather, 28.11.2021 19:47:17

3. gemmi,

congratulations to the winner Magnomjinglebell ringer. the tournament was very well organized. really, I enjoyed a lot in this tournament.

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4. Ninety-Nine ,

Firstly congratulations cheese for the success of the tournament you had organised.

Congratulations to magnumjinglebellringer for winning this tourni!
It would have really been a great win.
Hope we get to see more such nicely organised tournaments.

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5. anonymous ,

Congratulations cheadercheese for organising, and magnumjinglebellringer for winning!

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6. Sanatan,

Congratulations to everyone involved. A massive congratulations to the winner!

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