Suggestion for a new card game: Ambition

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1. Captain-Lousy,

since we've been discussing an upcoming new game, I thought no time is better than now to suggest a card game I find quite interesting. Its name is Ambition, it's a rather complex trick taking game for 4 players and despite the fact we already have many of those here, it's worth trying in my opinion, as there's a couple of unique rules and in general the vibe of the game is rather different than that of other games in this category. Let me quote the creator of this game Michael O. Church to give you a better idea:
„It has the intellectual intensity of Bridge; but as a 4-player every-man-for-himself game, the emergent interpersonal chaos of Poker. It's inspired by the "German style" board games, and I've optimized most of the card luck out of it. There's still a decent amount of randomness (which is a feature, not a bug) but it tends to come from quirky interactions rather than being dealt a "bad" or "good" hand.“
Obviously, to give you an even better idea, you may read the detailed rules of Ambition here
No matter whether we find the game here one day or not, I hope someone likes it. I should definitely add that I haven't had a chance to play this game with anyone yet, so I only know the rules in theory, but I'd still be happy to try to clarify anything if needed.
Thanks for reading and keep playing games, especially during exam period.

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Последнее изменение Captain-Lousy, 25.01.2023 17:33:28

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