Detailed rules for golf

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1. splyt,


The rules for gold are a little bit confusing.

I need to know the following:

What a pair, three of a kind and four of a kind means exactly? A pair means two cards with the same numbers and suites? Onluy the same numbers? Only the same suites? What about three of a kind and four of a kind? Are sequences like six, seven and eight of the same suites valid? Or same suites independent of their numbers ...

Does position matters? If i have 2, 3 and 4 in a same row, say to the left from rgiht, would 4, 3 and 2 from the left to the right also be valid?


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2. Nikola,

what you are describing in terms of 2, 3, and 4, in card games are typically called straights.
They have no use in Golf.

A pair is exactly that, 2 cards of the same value, i.e. Jack of hearts, jack of diamonds. Jack of hearts and jack of hearts is also a perfectly valid pair however.

A three of a kind is three cards of the same value, and similarly, a four of a kind is 4 cards of the same value.

They aren't particularly described in the Golf rules because this terminology is not Golf specific, it is also used in Poker or Rummy, and many other card games.

Of course, since you know now that they refer to the same value, whether one card will be on the left or on the right has no importance, the most important part is that your pair/three of a kind/4 of a kind covers either an entire row, or an entire column.
This will mean that some boards accept only 3 of a kind vertically, only a pair vertically, and so on. This should be quite obvious as soon as you choose the board size and begin playing.

Of course, if you have any more questions, feel free to reply and ask for more details.

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Последнее изменение Nikola, 24.12.2023 21:18:26

3. abhishek,

just a single correction, you can make any kind of same position like pairs or strates diagonally also.
same has given in its rules page.

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4. Nikola,

Golf rules say:

You should avoid as most as possible to have high cards in your tableau, but if you manage to form a pair, three or four of a kind, horizontally, vertically or diagonally in a complete row or column, then these cards no longer count. Ideally, you should of course try to prevent other players from doing such alignments.

Therefore, as said before, there are no straights that count as 0. Otherwise, what you said is correct.

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5. splyt,


It is clear. I whould suggest a small editing in the rules to stat that pairs, three or four of a kind refer to cards with the same number or figure, independently of suite.

Obvious as it might appear, these rules would meet people who might be familiarizing their selves with games like this now. It doesn't hurt to make an example clearer and it can help more people to understand what this is.

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Последнее изменение splyt, 25.12.2023 20:21:59

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