a new game sujestion x hour

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1. glad,

The story is that of a terrorist group that keep a nuclear bomb at their base. The terrorists plan to detonate the bomb in X Hour (hence the title). Your group must prevent the explosion and the terrible ecological disaster that will follow.
There's another problem, however. If the terrorists notice the group, they will detonate the bomb before X hour. That's why only 1 soldier must go alone and that soldier is you.

The game has 3 episodes and 5 difficulty levels in each episode. Your task is to reach the base of the terrorists (episode 1), to find an entrance into their underground maze (episode 2), and to deactivate the bomb (episode 3), while fighting off enemy helicopters, tanks and soldiers.
The game is grid-based, meaning that the playground consists of a set number of cells (like a chess board). You navigate these cells by cursorkeys. You check what's around by pressing the n-,s- ,e- and w-key, each corresponding to the north, south, east and west.
If you hear : "The way is clear", then it means that you can move to this direction through 10 cells. If you have any obstacle in your way, you'll hear a message about this obstacle. For example: "Mountain 5", which means that there are 5 cells between you and a mountain. If you hear "Wall 7", it means, that there are 7 cells between you and a wall. If you hear "mine 3", it means that there are 3 cells between you and a mine!
You can fire on enemy helicopters, tanks and any other enemy by pressing the left ctrl key.

счёт: +0

2. Zelon,

this game already exists, its also single player.
here is the audiogames.net database entry.
https://audiogames.net/db.php?id=X+Hour unselected

счёт: +5

3. blaise97,

after posting ChatGPT enswer, time to post everything from audiogames.net. when you will stop to anoy everyone on the forum with some stupid behavior? never? what's the point to just make post everyday with only a copy past of something that everyone can see? no to mantion that you never says the source from where this is taken...

счёт: -4

4. lucy_light,

Till now, I have decided to stay silent, but anyway, in a future instance, I would have mentioned the same thing. It is really, rather than annoying, frustrating and pointless.
Now I am just wondering: Why do some people think that if this platform is open to suggestions, anyone could try to propose what is already there on other websites or as a standalone?
Firstly, as we all might know it, this awesomeness of a platform is alive due to the sustained efforts of a small team, a developer with some independent helpers, translators and us who report bugs, not to mention the help of our relatives when it comes to graphical interface issues.
Secondly, some ideas here are, more or less, impracticable, as they need a lot of time and cannot be easily adapted for this concept. It is like you try including multiple unrelated plots into a film, even more movies into one, like you are trying to add a bopit into a regular puzzle box, not as a bonus, but to find a context between it and the whole unrelated stuff, and so on. I don't know if my comparisons were right, but well, that is what it means, we even have a Romanian expression for this, which would translate like: it's like you want to put a nut into a wall.
Thirdly, excuse me for this, but it is unethical and irrelevant on its own to propose the adition of concepts already materialized by other devs. Now don't get me wrong, we cannot invent games, we either have to come up with some pertinent ideas, either think of some general, popular or attractive and, most importantly, plausible novelties. When we get to post a suggestion here, we should keep some aspects in mind, such as the originality of the idea, the time of the developer and the way it could be implemented, but we shouldn't exclude the mentality of the person either. For example, we could have Ludo one day, but we cannot get a whole packed game like the Adventure at C format or something complexe of that kind. There are also some games that the developer said even years ago that he disagrees on, such as SlotMachines and others, or the introduction of a general coin system, as on other platforms, the reasoning being in the statement itself, the purpose of this universe, cause yeah, I can call it like that after more than 10 years in here, and the fact that there are other places with the mentioned features if we don't like it here. The chances of implementing something that is already on the market are 0, as people research before starting to work on impossible tasks.
To end this, well, kind of Cambridge essay I guess, that you caused me to write, every platform has its own points of interest and even if we find common games, the creativity of each dev plays an important role. As a matter of fact, after knowing all this, I hope you are going to consider people and proposals more from now on and learn how to make the difference between online games and standalone adventures.
If I brought any offence with this message, it was not intended.

счёт: +4

5. glad,

There was no offence at all. Thank you for clarification. btw all were posting games sujestions from rs games and other sights I thought its ok.

счёт: +1

6. Speedo,

I never knew one had to spam the forum to be able to put forth their suggestions. A total of five threads including this one created by the same author that is Aayushi are visible as I hit enter on “Recent topics” In the forum.

счёт: -1

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