Implementation for fives and threes (~LabelOngoing~)

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1. LoboBranco,

I would like to suggest implementing an option to end the round when one of the team members wins. It is very complicated to play when there is one person against players from the other team, which is why I am making this suggestion. As an option, it would be up to you to activate it or not.

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2. Nikola,

this option already exists, but there are some bugs to be aware of:

You can only activate or deactivate this option the first time you configure the game.
In other words, if we imagine that 3 people just joined your table, press enter to start, choose no to default options, configure a team game, at one point, you will be asked:

“Activate whole team chip out?”
If you say yes, the current behaviour will apply: A round will end only when all members of a team finish it, or it is blocked.
If you say no, what you suggest will happen instead, the round will end as soon as one member of a team wins.

However, if you have already configured your options at least once, or played a game before on that table and then configure a next one with alt+O, you will no longer see this setting. If you want to adjust it, it will be necessary to re-create the table. This setting is visible only the first time you configure game options. It appears just after the option to finish the game as soon as the score limit is reached, and before the question for the score limit.

This is already fixed in the standard Dominoes game with the new options system (currently in beta), so once this is released for other games and it is publicly available, this bug will be resolved.

Hopefully that helps, apologies if you have asked for something different instead.

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3. LoboBranco,

But won't it be fixed?

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