
15 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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1. flying_dragon,

hi, i don't know if i place this question in the good forum but i have a litle question, why is there a maximum of 200 friends in your friendslist? maybe the amount of maximum friends can be increased a bit?

счёт: +1

2. aims,

really yes that would be great but sadly I don't think we would ever get this

счёт: +0

3. Emerald,

Do you guys really talk to all 200 people. Surely there’s always room for someone cos only 89% or so of my friend list is ever online.

счёт: +0

4. kaiba,

I agree with you, I really hope to increase the number in the friends list, even if this is gradually, because it is actually a community full of many, many people from different countries. It is logical for anyone to reach the maximum number of friends. Everyone here has complete freedom to accept or reject friendship with anyone. regards.

счёт: +0

5. Mohammedradwan2003,

I'm close to reaching the 200 friends myself, and it is sad when I have to let go of people.

счёт: +0

6. aims,

sadly I've already reach 200. and yeah I had to remove people to add others

счёт: +0

7. TheDreamer,

Facebook has a 5000 friends limit, I think, or something around that according to google. And for some that's not enough, either. So guys, what do you expect the limit to be?

счёт: +1

8. aims,

no limit would be nice :D but hey, just my thoughts.

счёт: +0

9. Emerald,

I feel like 200 is ok because half of people rarely go online. There’s only a few that do. So in my view, you will always be able to replace people. Plus there’s stuff like falling out etc. unless you talk to all 200 people but chances are you don’t. If you do then please correct me.

счёт: +0

10. spaceship,

Its just that not everyone is happy with the concept of adding someone, observing their playroom habits and having to delete people in order to make space. Some of us have been here for about 8 years, so 200 is a pretty small number.

счёт: +2

11. aims,

I've been here for about 4 years and I've met a lot of nice people, and some I had to remove just to add someone else, and there's times where people would even ask me why I removed them and that's sad

счёт: +0

12. sound2,

I guess many friends don't fallout. At least, not that much. I'm guessing. I'm not even close to 200. But if people want higher numbers, it doesn't matter to me, lol. I guess I feel indifferent.

счёт: +0

13. TheDreamer,

Oh. As a bit of an introvert who rarely interacts with people I've never put it this way. Thanks.
And if we had no limits how many people do you think you would have?

счёт: +0

14. glad,

same I had 200 and had to remove ppl to add new once.

счёт: -1

15. lucy_light,

Yes, I have also reached the limit at some point. Old accounts are nice, but this is generating trouble :)

счёт: +0

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