Playroom mobile app

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1. Black-Samurai,

This playroom isn't available on mobile devices unless you have a web browser. So hopefully there will be a mobile app available some time. Besides, there's a PC client so why shouldn't there be an app?

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2. Nikola,

That is unfortunately not as simple as it might seem, especially for IOS. To develop an iOS app, you first need to buy a Mac. As far as I know the developer of the Playroom does not have a Mac, and it's quite expensive. Not to mention that after buying a Mac, you have to spend time getting used to the operating system before you even start the work on the client. Once that happens, you also have to pay for an Apple developer licence, which costs almost 100 dollars. So even if this all were to happen one day, the client will probably need to be paid, at least with a lower price to cover all the costs associated with developing it.
These days, I don't know of any system that doesn't have a web browser modern enough to connect to the Playroom. It's not perfect, but I do personally quite enjoy playing using the web client and it's only a matter of time to get used to a few things. You can't play something like uno with interceptions, but such a thing probably wouldn't be efficient in the native client either.

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Последнее изменение Nikola, 31.05.2020 15:40:57

3. tiny,

at least an android app can be nice, but anyway doing that should be hard.

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4. Nikola,

Yeah, on that side an Android app would probably be easier and cheaper, the only problem with this is I believe that the main developer simply doesn't use Android, and thus it would be hard to test what you create if you do not use the system yourself.

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5. tiny,

maybe one day they can trust or employ someone to do that. so by this i mean they can also put a special notice encluding we really wanna do this, and see if they can get enough support of people and costs for doing it.

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6. Mohammedradwan2003,

Someone did a perfect app for pr but i do not have it

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7. phoenix009,

Well, I am up for android app development.

In fact, I do have both an apple developer license and a google play dev license, so this is a shoutout to Amanuel, if you want an app made, I would be more than willing to do it. It would be giving something back to the community, after all.

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8. godfather,

I'll be down for helping with android development. Can't say i know much about it on IOS, though. nor do i have an account and i dont think i intend to get one, considerring the amount they charge. but yes, i am ready to help if someone needs assestance

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9. phoenix009,


I think we can form a team to build an android app!

I am permanently using Kivy with python, so after all, if we need to make a build for IOS, it would not be such a big problem.

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10. DHTStudios,

Hey there. I also can help with app development, though I momentarely dont have a license, but soon I will get one

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11. tiny,

so we see if the admin wants it to happen, it can happen :D
we should now be waiting for the response

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Последнее изменение tiny, 29.06.2020 17:16:16

12. phoenix009,

Lol Yeah.

We've now got devs on board waiting, just waiting for Amaneul to approve.

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13. facelessghost,

Please, dear administration of the game room, finally pay your attention to this interesting offer!

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14. Nikola,

It might not be a bad idea to mention the projects or apps you worked on in the past, so people can have an idea about your development experience.

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15. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I know too many people who know very well coding and have not made a single game. Until I proposed to them and they accepted. So

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16. phoenix009,

Ok here we go!

You can check me out at:

You can, there, find my first app on Google Play, and from there, go and find my Google Play Developer Page.

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17. pax1,

@7, super,
I really want app for andro:p

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18. jackson95,

That would be kind of nice. I have used it before, and it is very tricky. I like the web client with most games, but Uno with interceptions is not the best. I am pretty good at straits and interceptions, but buzzers I am not as good at. I do have a braille display, but it’s being upgraded. Also, with people that like to try to out run mobile users, there are going to have to be gestures for the mobile clients. For example, my friend likes to say that I haven’t said uno before I can even get to the button. That’s because he can just press you to do it. That would be nice with buzzers too.

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19. phoenix009,

yes. Now we just have to wait for Amaneul to approve/disapprove of the idea. We have devs on board waiting for his consent.

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20. pax1,

But I thing that creator will disapprowe.

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21. phoenix009,

we don't know about that.

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22. pax1,

But it is too many work

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23. phoenix009,

No, it's not. Especially because Amaneul, if he looks into this, has devs on board ready to do the work for him.

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