Hi. For some people, the announcements of people leaving and joining every table can be a bit distracting. Is it possible for them to turn this option off or set it to where they only get notifications about their friends' activities? Thanks
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2. KittyCat15,
I have no idea how that would be possible
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3. gemmi,
hello there, you can do that by going into options>general>channels>public chat and set the speech from always to never.
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4. Nikola,
Hello, this is slightly inaccurate. What I assume you are trying to disable are messages such as, Nikola has just created a new table of Farkle, and the same for people leaving tables and joining other tables. If so, that would be in options / reading and appearance/channels. There, you will want to choose global messages, and set speech to never. Additionally, if using the Windows client and its recent versions, you can completely hide them from the history as well. On the web client, currently you can only disable automatic speaking of these messages by following the similar procedure, except instead of reading and appearance on the web client you are choosing channels and views.
If, on the other hand, I misunderstood it and you are trying to disable public chat, then you are following the instructions from post 3.
счёт: +1
5. Rich_Beardsley,
Thanks all. And they are ok with the chat, they just want the person has created a table, left a table, or joined a table messages off.