bug in monopoly

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1. LaraStardust,

there is a bug in monopoly where if you role the dice and it says do you want to buy, while on that promt if you then build houses and havent enough money, you then cant do anything like this:
dardar roles the dice and lands on bond street,
do you want it for £320?
dardar builds houses and only has £168
prompt not shown
other player gives £200,
prompt not shown

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2. BhavyaShah ,

Is this a bug or a feature request? I am not sure...
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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3. LaraStardust,

its a bug, given away by the line "this is a bug"

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4. Popoluska ,

Hey, when you are talking about bugs in the monopoly, please look at it carefully. There is one table who is still open with player dm317 or something I don't remember this number, but he is there already three days or more. I would like ask our admins to do something with that.

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5. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah, as usual. I'm writing this post from his table :D.

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6. Riad,

as do I :D

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7. wolfi,

he's not even online :d

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8. Riad,

this is not the first time that this problem occurs. The solution will be 1 of 2 solutions, or else the table will remain forever :D

  1. A moderator removes the table.
  2. We wait for the table master to be really online, and then we ask him to join that table then to leave it.
  3. That's, as far as I remember, the 2 solutions Diana used before with such cases.

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9. Lenka,

there is frozen table now, its about a week old.

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10. BhavyaShah ,

Yes, this cm319! Never got a chance to really play Monopoly with him :D (grin)

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11. Riad,

Well, Aminiel has shut down the table and lol the table master didn't notice that his table was available even when he's online. I hope that this problem won't occur with me :D :D :D

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12. BhavyaShah ,

I too hope so :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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13. LaraStardust,

be wierd like if there waqs a table with me and i joined, then I was playing against me? thaqt would be wierd heh

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14. BhavyaShah ,

No, you probably wouldn't get a chance to play with yourself. If you join your own table, then, your previous superficial presence will be replaced by your actual arrival, meaning that only one of you will be present in actuality in conclusion.
Confusing? :D (grin)

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15. The-white-dove,

@Bhavyashah You are correct, that is what would happen.

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Последнее изменение The-white-dove, 29.07.2015 08:11:44

16. LaraStardust,

yeah I know that, just saying it'd be wierd

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17. BhavyaShah ,

Lol yes, sure'd be weird...
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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