Monopoly (~LabelSolved~)

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1. Little.Witch,

The escape and cansel buttons do not work anymore when seeing what properties were left and the hotkey v no longer let me check what properties the bot owns.

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2. kain,

Also, certain other functions do not work properly, such as replacing a bot with another: When I select whom to replace the menu of possible candidates to replace them for doesn't show up anymore.
Interestingly the escape- and cancel-key does still work when trading.

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3. Little.Witch,

I can't even enter on yes when I try to quit the game itself. Frustrating.

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4. Nikola,

until this problem is fixed, if you are the table master and you would like to leave the table, use the shortcut CTRL+shift+Q. This shortcut will destroy the table.

If you are not the table master, keep in mind that you can leave the game if you do it when it is not your turn.

For other bugs that won't let you close a particular menu, a workaround is to press F11. When this key is pressed in Monopoly, any opened menu will be closed.

Of course, this is only a temporary solution until the bug is fixed, and there are some issues you can't work around, for example it's no longer possible to press Enter on a property in the board list opened with Shift+D to view the property sheet. All of this applies only when it is your turn however, everything should work fine if you do it while your opponent is playing.

счёт: +1

5. Snake_Eyes,

this bug was just fixed with the last reboot.

счёт: +1

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