fishing aces

4 сообщений, 1 страниц:  1 ↖ Вернуться к списку тем

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1. garden-lady,

When i use control f1 to get instructions, I see the rules for boulabaise. But when I play game, these rules don't apply. When will the correct instructions for fishing aces be posted?

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2. felipe-martinez,


There are no Available rules for Fishing aces at this Moment

but You can discover One of Available game rules by Yourself

The Gamerules will be posted, but not soon

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3. whozitken,

Hello fishing aces is apparently taken off of the playroom temporarily. at least I didn't see it when I hosted the game stop on out-of-sight. was going to paly that game but it's gone.

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4. musiclover,

it hould be putbackon

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